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    Law Firm in New York NY

    1 Blue Hill Plaza, Suite 1509
    Pearl River, NY 10965

    Office: (201) 261-1700


      *Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances. 

      “Sean Callagy is more than just an attorney. A counselor in the true sense of the word. Sitting with Sean and Tom, you feel that they are genuinely trying to help you. Truly exceptional service.”

      – Adam H Hamawy

      “Callagy Law and Sean Callagy are honest, aggressive, against liars and winners. I’ve seen Sean expose and breakdown liars and bullies to a state of tears, and withdrawing their lies, as they won multiple multi-million dollar cases for me.”

      – George P. 

      “Extremely knowledgeable and amazing client advocate! Unique team approach. You don’t just receive one attorney, you get an entire team of attorneys!”

      – Alexandria Rice  


      *Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances. 

      “Sean Callagy is more than just an attorney. A counselor in the true sense of the word. Sitting with Sean and Tom, you feel that they are genuinely trying to help you. Truly exceptional service.”

      – Adam H Hamawy

      “Callagy Law and Sean Callagy are honest, aggressive, against liars and winners. I’ve seen Sean expose and breakdown liars and bullies to a state of tears, and withdrawing their lies, as they won multiple multi-million dollar cases for me.”

      – George P. 

      “Extremely knowledgeable and amazing client advocate! Unique team approach. You don’t just receive one attorney, you get an entire team of attorneys!”

      – Alexandria Rice  


      *Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances. 

      “Sean Callagy is more than just an attorney. A counselor in the true sense of the word. Sitting with Sean and Tom, you feel that they are genuinely trying to help you. Truly exceptional service.”

      – Adam H Hamawy

      “Callagy Law and Sean Callagy are honest, aggressive, against liars and winners. I’ve seen Sean expose and breakdown liars and bullies to a state of tears, and withdrawing their lies, as they won multiple multi-million dollar cases for me.”

      – George P. 

      “Extremely knowledgeable and amazing client advocate! Unique team approach. You don’t just receive one attorney, you get an entire team of attorneys!”

      – Alexandria Rice  

      We care about far more than just law.

      You are our top priority.

      Dealing with legal issues can be a nightmare, but it doesn’t have to be that way.  We know how to help with your legal issues.  We have helped thousands of people. We want to help you.

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      We care about far more than just law.

      You are our top priority.

      Dealing with legal issues can be a nightmare, but it doesn’t have to be that way.  We know how to help with your legal issues.  We have helped thousands of people. We want to help you.

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      9 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Personal Injury Claim - Callagy Law

      9 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Personal Injury Claim

      Are you or a loved one currently involved in a personal injury case? Download our FREE guide to learn about the things to avoid doing during your personal injury case.

      Fill out your information below to receive your free guide.

      New York Personal Injury Lawyers

      Getting hurt because of someone else’s negligence can be frustrating and make you feel like your future is uncertain. Personal injury cases can be complicated, so it is important to hire a New York personal injury lawyer in order to get the justice that you deserve. Call us today to set up your free consultation.

      Types of Personal Injury Cases

      Personal injury claims vary. They can involve a lot of different types of accidents and injuries. You may be eligible for compensation if you have been injured in any of these accidents:

      • Car accidents
      • Truck accidents
      • Bus accidents
      • Motorcycle accidents
      • Bicycle accidents
      • Pedestrian accidents

      These are some of the many ways you can get hurt that would make you eligible for compensation. Our law firm in New York NY is here to help you get the justice you deserve.

      Who’s Who in a Personal Injury Case

      There are four parties typically involved in a personal injury claim:

      1. The liable party
      2. The plaintiff
      3. The liable party’s insurance company
      4. The plaintiff’s personal injury lawyer

      The liable party is the person or people who caused the accident. They are responsible for the injuries caused in the accident that they primarily caused.

      The plaintiff would be you, the injured party, who was hurt by the liable party. You are entitled to compensation when you are hurt by someone who was negligent.

      The insurance company who insures the liable party is going to be responsible for compensating you. They are the ones who are going to be held accountable financially for your damages.

      Last, you will have your New York personal injury lawyers representing your case. They are the ones who are going to be holding the insurance company and liable party accountable for their actions that led to your damages.

      Mistakes to Avoid Making

      There are going to be a lot of things you don’t yet know about a personal injury claim. Odds are you have never had to go through a claim before. And you likely don’t know how to defend your rights against the insurance company. We would not expect that you have the time to become an overnight expert on personal injury claims.

      A huge mistake that people make is they try to get a just result without the help of a personal injury lawyer. You are just not going to get the same results on your own. New York Personal injury lawyers know what to do in order to get you the results that you deserve. Do not hesitate to call a lawyer to help you get the results you deserve.

      Another very damaging mistake that people make is when a plaintiff gives the insurance company a recorded statement. The insurance company wants to save themselves money. Unfortunately, that means you are likely going to have to defend the fact that you deserve a full award. When the insurance company asks for a recorded statement, they are looking to get answers from you that help them prove that you don’t deserve full compensation. Don’t give them any statement. You have no legal obligation to do so. Instead, let your New York personal injury lawyer take over communication with them.

      How Compensation Works for Personal Injury Claims

      When you are hurt, you are going to have a lot of damage to your body. That is one horrible part of getting hurt. You are also going to be affected by being injured. You may have to miss time at work, have surgeries, and be mentally affected by your injuries, too. Being seriously injured and not being able to enjoy your life can take a large toll on your mental and emotional wellbeing.

      All of these things play a role in what kind of compensation award you will get. You are going to be holding the liable party’s insurance company accountable to compensate you for all of your damages. You are entitled to get a full award from the insurance company.

      You are going to be offered a first settlement offer and it is most likely going to be too low to compensation you for all of your damages. Do not settle for that. Find the right law firm in New York NY who will take your claim all the way to trial, if need be. At Callagy Law, we are skilled trial lawyers. You deserve to have the fullest and fairest result possible. Do not hesitate to give us a call as soon as possible.

      New York Divorce Lawyers

      When you are dealing with a divorce, it can bring up a ton of emotions. This is a challenging time for anyone. Be sure that you’re getting the legal representation that you deserve. You want to ensure that you have the help of one of our who are strong defenders of what is fair to you. Call us right away. We will set up a consultation.

      Tips for a Smooth Divorce Process

      Be open and communicative with your spouse.

      It costs a lot of money to go through a divorce when you have to take every single detail of the divorce through litigation. It’s going to save you a ton of money if you and your soon-to-be-ex can make agreements between the two of you in private and then simply bring them to your attorneys to put them in writing.

      Be aware that any private agreement you make with your soon to be ex cannot be legal unless it is in writing. Don’t rely on the word of your spouse. Make sure you get it in writing clear as day if you want something to happen.

      Keep off of social media when it comes to your divorce. We know that this is a very frustrating time, but spreading the story of your troubles is not going to be helpful in the long run, especially when your frustrations are engraved into the stone that is the Internet. You don’t get to take those words back. You do not want them to come up in court, especially if they are disparaging against your spouse.

      Don’t try to go through a divorce unrepresented. These cases can be so challenging and having one of our divorce lawyers by your side through the whole thing can help ensure that you end up with the result that is fair. It will also ensure that you were not just bending to the will of the other party simply to get the divorce over and done with.

      What Divorces Are Based On

      When you go through a divorce, it has to be for a specific reason. A reason for divorce is known as the grounds for divorce. Some examples of grounds for divorce include:

      • Being treated cruelly
      • Being abandoned by a spouse
      • One spouse being in prison for three or more years in a row
      • Cheating/ adultery
      • Getting legally separated
      • Irreconcilable differences

      If you want to have the support of strong and dedicated lawyers, please call us as soon as possible to set up a consultation. Our law firm in New York NY is ready to take on even the most challenging cases of divorce. Let us help you get through this process a little bit easier. You don’t have to do this alone.

      Two Types of Divorce: Contested and Uncontested Divorce

      A contested divorce involves:

      • One of the parties involved not wanting to go through with the divorce
      • There is a disagreement on the basis of the divorce
      • There are disagreements about how the assets get divided, who gets custody, if there should be alimony, etc.

      An uncontested divorce involves:

      • Each party in the divorce agrees that there should be a termination of the marriage
      • Each party can come to an agreement on the common divorce issues

      Common Divorce Issues

      When you go to court, their main duty is simply to approve the divorce and grant you the agreement. The divorce is official as soon as the judge issues the dissolution of the marriage. Sometimes, couples don’t need to go to court in order to come to an agreement about the divorce. The issues of divorce extend to alimony, division of assets, child custody and support, etc. Sometimes, going to court is the best choice for you and your soon to be ex because you might disagree about a lot of these issues.

      Should You Get an Annulment?

      Divorces are meant to terminate a marriage that was valid. An annulment is for when you’d like to end a marriage that never was valid to begin with.

      An annulment requires that a spouse be able to prove one of the following:

      • One of the spouses was in a valid marriage with someone else when they were married to the other spouse
      • The marriage happened because of coercion or force or duress
      • There was a five-year period or more where one of the spouses was incurably insane
      • The marriage was a fraudulent agreement
      • One of the spouses was deemed incapable of understanding what marriage truly is mentally

      New York Business Litigation Lawyers

      Having an issue that requires the help of a lawyer can be frustrating. We understand that finding the right business litigation lawyers can be tricky because you want someone who can be dependable. Our law firm in New York NY is here to help you through this complicated process. Please call us as soon as you can to set up your initial consultation. We want to help you make this process easier as you deal with something that’s very stressful. We will let you focus on what you need to do and take care of all the litigation for you. Call our law firm in New York NY right away to set up your consultation with our business litigation lawyers to get started.

      Why You Need Business Litigation Lawyers

      When there is wrongdoing that is harming your business, you need the help of lawyers who know what they are doing. Our law firm in New York NY has become skilled and knowledgeable about these types of issues so that you don’t have to worry about the legal aspect of running a business. Especially if the business is a corporation, there is a need for a defensive strategy to protect the business from risks.

      No one wants to have a bad business deal or relationship, but you need to be ready for that when they happen. Litigators are there to help handle a deal gone wrong or to take measures to prevent bad business practices. These disputes can be very complicated and it can be something your business isn’t ready for, which is why a lawyer is needed.

      Our New York business litigation lawyers work deftly and quickly to help businesses with these matters. These cases involve a lot of sensitive information, and we want to be at your side as soon as possible to protect your business.

      Recoverable Damages

      Business litigation is going to look different for each person. Types of damages that you can recover will vary based on your circumstances.

      Here are the most common types of damages we see in business litigation cases:

      • Compensation damages is the first thing that you will likely see from the defendant, if you are the plaintiff. This covers any losses that you can prove and should restore your financial situation to what it was before the loss has occurred. That includes losses of profits and income.
      • If there are losses that are harder to determine they are called reliance damages. This kind of compensation is meant to cover anything that the plaintiff is due from the defendant based on their failure to oblige on a contracted matter.
      • Restitution damages are sometimes awarded in business relation cases. This is usually when there is a breach of contract where the defendant has not delivered what they promised to. Whatever the value of the failure the defendant caused was will be compensated back to the plaintiff.
      • Liquidated damages are sometimes seen directly in contracts that dictate how much a defendant would owe the plaintiff if there is a failure to honor the contract. If there is nothing in the contract about liquidated damages, the court can deliberate about the competition that is owed by the defendant to the plaintiff.
      • On some occasions, there will be punitive damages given to the plaintiff if the defendant acted in a malicious way.

      Business Litigation in Trial

      You may be worried about starting a business litigation and having to go to court for it and endure trials. That’s not typically what happens with business cases. Trial isn’t really the natural next step. You still need to prepare for a difficult journey, however, when dealing with these matters. You still need a strong case. Your lawyers are going to have to work to build this strong case with you so that you are ready for any negotiations where there are stakes that are high. The more prepared we are, the more likely you are to end up in a good spot.

      If you are lucky, the other side of your business litigation matter will hire lawyers who don’t know how to navigate a courtroom. We are more than ready to handle the ins and outs of what a courtroom needs in order to be successful and we will be confident handling your case, if it comes to that. Our New York business litigation lawyers are ready for anything.

      If you would like to hear more about our past successful case results in business litigation, we would be more than happy to tell you about them.

      New York Estate Planning Lawyers

      Planning for when you pass is not a pleasant thought at all, but it has to be done if you want to make sure that your estate is in order. If you have substantial assets, not planning your estate can leave a nightmare for your family when you’re gone. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our New York estate planning lawyers for an easy process handling your assets and planning for the future.

      How Our New York Estate Planning Lawyers Help You

      Every case is going to be individualized, but there are some things that most people will want to go through with their estate planning lawyers. You likely don’t have experience in these matters which is why you will be working with lawyers to help you with the following:

      • Wills
      • Trusts
      • Probate
      • Financial Power of Attorney
      • Medical Power of Attorney
      • Living Wills

      If you are wondering why you need to do all these things, it is because it is going to prepare your estate for when you are gone and unable to make decisions about what happens to your assets.

      Why You May Want to Avoid Probate

      Probate happens when there’s an issue with the estate or the will. If you have a properly established estate plan, there should be no issue and you can avoid probate. If that’s not the case, however, it’s going to be a long and costly process for your family. It is also going to be very public, which can cause some conflict.

      Because of the length of time that complicated estates take, your family might be dealing with probate court for years. It can be quite expensive when there’s a lot to deal with and a lot of issues unresolved. Most people would like to avoid this and you can do that by having an estate that is set up properly. That is why you need to meet with an experienced law firm in New York NY to avoid probate when you’re gone.

      The Importance of Having a Will

      Your last will and testament is going to determine what happens with your estate in its entirety. Make sure that you talk to your lawyers about who the beneficiaries will be. If you are married, your spouse will be a beneficiary. If you were unmarried, the estate could be divided between siblings or children. It possibly could go to parents or extended family, as well.

      Having a will means that you’re surviving family will know what happens with your estate when you’re gone. They aren’t going to have to fight and argue about what happens because there will already be a plan. It takes a lot of stress out of the lives of families when they lose a loved one.

      Having a will is especially important if you have substantial assets that will be left over when you’re gone. Having a will is going to be a really good option for you because tensions tend to get very high when there is a lot of money up for grabs with families.

      If you die without a will, your family is going to have to deal with all of the estate planning without you there to give them guidance. It is hard enough to lose someone without having to deal with all of that along with the grief of the loss. Without a will, you don’t get to dictate which family member gets what and why. Perhaps there is a relative you would have liked to get a family relic, for example, and that won’t happen without a will.

      The Importance of Hiring New York Estate Planning Lawyers

      When you have substantial assets estate planning should be essential. Some people decide not to do it and their family suffers when they pass. Estate planning is a way to protect your assets and have a say in what happens to them. Things can get extraordinarily complicated if you do not have a will.

      Our law firm in New York NY is experienced in handling estates with a lot to manage. We know the best ways to set up the estate for when you pass. The stress of planning melts away when you call our office to set up your first consultation as we take care of all of the tricky things that you don’t want to spend your time on.

      It is not your job to become an expert in estate planning, which is why you hire people who do spend their time becoming experts, such as our law firm in New York NY. You don’t want to pick just anybody to help you with this. For instance, if you know a divorce or injury lawyer who helped you in the past that doesn’t mean that they’re going to be the right person to handle your estate as well.