An Empathetic, Respectful, Precise, And Direct Statement And Prayer Regarding The October 7th, 2023 Act Of Terrorism Against Israel

These are complex times in a world that is electrified with what has transpired.

On any issue, there are conversations to be had on both sides.

The question is, “What is the issue that you are discussing?”

In this statement, we are neither discussing the political history of Palestine and Israel, what occurred during and after World War II, nor the history of the Middle East region reaching back to the earliest days of the Bible, the Torah, and the Quran.

What we are discussing today is an act of terrorism and its impact. As a political science major who graduated from Columbia University and an honors law school graduate, I understand the critical importance and perspective.

I also understand, in 2023, the danger of making any statement about anything, especially a matter as controversial and divided as this one.

However, I believe that if we spend the time and the energy to make our own words clear, set context, and at times utilize the principle of contrast, we can reach the true hearts of the matter, and people.

Also, as a speaker on issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, as a blind man in the world, I am present to events that may be triggering for some. Not for me, but for some, a statement like “You are as blind as a bat” and “What, are you blind?” would be triggering. I am not offended by these comments, though I do appreciate and understand how some people are.

I am also present to the fact that diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging is a varied space of complex and divergent ideas and roles that can be very uniting and also very dividing. It is talks like this that I have given at major corporations like Disney and T-Mobile, and legal groups, including the New York City Bar Association, amongst many others. The space of these conversations is complex and critically important. It is from that informed, empathetic, and respectful place that I begin the conversation. For some, this is of course to be considered an act of terrorism. Others, like some students at Ivy League institutions, such as my own, just as many other institutions in this country, may take issue with the phrase “terrorist attack.”

I am using the phrase terrorist attack to mean any attack that is committed against civilians and children in virtually any situation. We can begin a conversation about World War II and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which raises critical, major, and complex questions and discussions, and certainly, my heart aches for the loss of all of those civilians during World War II. There is a very fair and reasonable debate about those actions and categories. That is also not the purpose of this discussion.

For the purpose of this conversation, we are discussing a terrorist attack that was committed against Israel by Hamas, and the murder of children and civilians that occurred. This, I would objectively define as a “terrorist attack,” in the palpable question of what a terrorist attack is.

My and our hearts ache at Callagy Law and Unblinded for the fact that we live in a world where we cannot describe actions as terrorist attacks when they are. I am also open to feedback from anyone from the Palestinian perspective who would want to share in conversations with regard to Israel’s actions in the past, and educate me. I’d be happy to have that conversation and I am certainly open to the perspective.

Israel’s actions, as it relates to Palestine, are also not the purpose of this conversation. What is the conversation?

It is the deep sorrow that I have from myself personally, and also from Unblinded and Callagy Law. My and our hearts ache for every loss in Israel. My and our hearts ache for the children, the civilians, and other citizens of the world who were at the music festival, for the hostages, and for every family member in any way, shape, or form that is affected by this. My and our hearts also ache for the fact that dear friends of mine who are Jewish kept their children home from school due to threats and fear of violence against Jewish people around the world in recent days.

In the civilized world, the actions of Hamas have no place, and our deepest outrage, as well as sorrow, is expressed. In the same moment, and with the same empathy, our hearts and souls are with and present to the children and civilians of Palestine who will unquestionably suffer as a result of these terrorist attacks, as well as the violence and responses that will ensue.

What is the appropriate measured response in how all of this should be resolved and what should each move forward be? As it relates, that is far above my pay, knowledge, and wisdom grade. That does not prevent our thoughts, prayers, deepest empathy, and sorrow for starving and/or displaced children and civilians in this situation. And, our heart aches for every soldier ever lost in every military conflict, whether declared war or not, from the Congo to Uganda, to Russia and Ukraine, to Palestine and Israel, to drug wars in Mexico, to everything and every suffering, to conflicts in inner cities throughout America and even within households and families, to any conflict and suffering which results in violence, whether the violence was justified in self-defense or not.

Human suffering and human loss of any sort is something that I, and we, believe at the highest levels is something we can hold empathy for. One of the principles that I espouse but imperfectly live, which we teach at Unblinded and Callagy Law, is the absence of judgment of people. There is a difference between saying someone lied versus saying someone is a liar. We can assess behavior and be outraged by it without the judgment of people. One of the things my faith, as a Christian, calls me towards is the absence of judging people, and rather assessing behavior. And, if all of my behaviors were assessed through the prism of judgment, and I think probably for most of us, it would be a very unpleasant day if we were all judged and assessed by our worst behaviors.

So, it is from a place of lack of judgment, as well as with empathy and respect, but also not losing precision and directness, that we denounce these terrorist attacks, and any action taken against children and civilians. With full understanding that I hope, having many friends in the military, and as a fan of the series 24 for many years, that may we never be put in the complex position of thinking through how to respond and interact with complicated situations during war or police actions, where people are being brought to justice, and are putting innocent children and civilians amid such situations. Again, watch one season of 24, and consider all the moral and ethical complexities it brings forth, talk to anyone who has fought in a war, and it will help us move into much deeper levels of empathy, respect, precision, and directness, with a better understanding of the incredibly complex scenarios that people can find themselves in when it comes to places of conflict.

None of that is to soften the statement of denouncing the terrorist attacks that occurred in Israel, with the greatest degree of empathy, sorrow, and outrage, with hope, and a call for peace, which is easy to say, but incredibly challenging to achieve.

We hope and pray, on this day and every day, that we all can rise to a higher level of justice, integrity, love, and empathy, in relevant truth, in the creation of all things and the resolution of all misalignments, with the removal of violence, judgment, and a need for aggression.

We are also well aware that there are times for aggression, and there are times for response and a need to protect. And, we know that this is what some of the folks at Hamas, some of the people of Palestine, individuals across the world, and in America are saying is what happened in these attacks.

However, we vehemently disagree. Acts against children and civilians, acts of barbarism that are posted online and supported, are outrageously unacceptable. And, I viewed an interview with a leader of Hamas. Before I wrote this statement, I did my homework. I wanted to hear from everyone, because that is what I do as a seeker of truth. In the interview, the journalist from the UK was asking, in every way he possibly could, whether civilians were killed and targeted in what had transpired, and the question was repeatedly and continuously refused to be answered by the Hamas leader, as he constantly deflected and avoided answering the questions. I saw everything I needed to see in an incredibly disingenuous conversation.

As a fan of Star Wars, and as a proud American, I can always empathize, appreciate, and understand how when people have perceived that they are underdogs, and that they have been harmed or deceived, the rage, the pain, and the upset that can be created. I am not stating nor analyzing the Israeli and Palestine conflict overall, but simply am present that the perspective of some human beings on this planet is that Palestinian people have long suffered in these matters. For that perspective, I can hold empathy, but I cannot align or agree in any way, shape, or form, with the murder of children and civilians in any situation, and certainly not innocent concertgoers.

This terrorist attack has shaken humans to the core and we felt it appropriate and necessary not to avoid this conversation, but rather to share in it from a place of empathy, respect, precision, and directness.

My “final final,” as we like to say in the space of Unblinded and Callagy Law, for today is prayer and love. I ask for peace and unity, with full understanding that this conflict will not end today or soon, and as it does, may the folks who are in the military fighting this do everything they can with the greatest of intention and empathy to spare the lives of civilians, and of course children, as this conflict continues and was escalated by nothing short of a terrorist attack.

And please, before you respond with judgment of this post in any way, please read it and reread it and consider it from the same place of empathy, respect, precision, and directness with which it was written, because I have not weighed in, in any meaningful way on the history of Israel and Palestine, nor on any of these situations, other than to make statements on what is and what is not a terrorist act. We do denounce terrorism.

What I would appreciate most is that this post would not be seen through the lens of politics. This is not about left or right, not about Israel or Palestine, but instead about humanity and basic foundational principles of functioning, loving, and thinking.

With love and respect,

Sean Callagy
Founder and CEO of Callagy Law and Unblinded