New Jersey Marine Boat Insurance Attorneys
Do You Need Legal Help?
If you’re reading this, you have decided to buy a boat or a cargo ship that transports goods. We commend you for this. We know this is an exciting time. You can’t wait to take it out for the first time! Now, you’re probably wondering what type of insurance you should get.
If you’re reading this, you have decided to buy a boat or a cargo ship that transports goods. We commend you for this. We know this is an exciting time. You can’t wait to take it out for the first time! Now, you’re probably wondering what type of insurance you should get.
No matter the situation, we know choosing the type of coverage you get can be overwhelming. You may have questions on what can and cannot be covered or how much coverage do you actually need to get? Boat insurance is similar to both home and automobile insurance.
Here are some of the most common types of coverage:
Insurance companies also have to abide by state insurance laws and act in good faith. If your insurance company fails to pay a legitimate claim, refuses to defend you against someone else’s claim, or is otherwise acting unfairly, you may be able to file a bad faith lawsuit against them or appeal to your states insurance commissioner.
If you are having difficulty proving your claim, dealing with an insurance company who’s not living up to their obligations, or having boat insurance issues, contact Jeffery Greyber, Esq.
If you’ve purchased a boat or cargo ship and are wondering what type of insurance you should get, orIf you are having difficulty dealing with an insurance company for boat insurance issues, contact Jeffery Greyber, Esq.
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