Can a Partner Dissolve a Partnership?

“I want out of the business” or “I don’t want to be business partners anymore” are common phrases attorneys hear regularly.  Owning a business can be an exciting venture, but what happens when the business relationship between partners sours? Or, in a better scenario, the business relationship is good but one or both partners wants to end the partnership for any number of reasons?

Can a Partner Dissolve a PartnershipOptions for Getting Out:

In these circumstances, there are several options available to the partner that no longer wants to operate the business. One such option is a “buy out.”  This occurs when one or several partners “buy out,” or purchase, the leaving partner’s share of the business.  This is a good avenue to pursue if there are no disputes between business partners and all partners can readily come to an agreement.  Another option, if everyone agrees, is to sell the business. In both the above instances, an attorney can help you navigate the complexities involved in exiting the partnership through a sale of the business.

A third, less discussed but equally important option, is deciding to formally dissolve the partnership. The answer to whether one partner can dissolve the entire partnership is not simple.  The easiest way one partner can dissolve their partnership is to look to the relevant business documents they have governing the operation of the partnership. 

How to Dissolve the Business:

If the partners own an LLC, dissolution should be governed by the operating agreement.  If it is a C-Corp., look to the business’s By-Laws to see if there are relevant provisions addressing dissolution of the partnership.  A good partnership agreement will spell out the process for dissolution and the steps involved.  If there is such a provision delineating the process for dissolution, follow the steps outlined, wrap up the business’s assets, and file the appropriate paperwork in the state where the business was formed.

In the absence of any partnership agreement or other governing documents that address the grounds and necessary steps for partnership dissolution, all partners must agree to dissolve the partnership.  If there is no agreement, or there is an agreement to dissolve but not on how to wind up the affairs of the partnership, then it is important to consult an attorney familiar with the formation and dissolution of business entities to ensure that the proper steps are followed.

The Importance of a Good Partnership Agreement:

Ultimately, the best time to create a good partnership agreement is before the partnership starts making decisions and conducting business.  A formal, written agreement should detail the way the partnership will operate, including how decisions are made, how profits and losses are split between partners, responsibilities and roles each partner will perform, how disputes will be solved, and how to wind up or continue the business when one partner leaves.  While this seems like a lot to consider, putting in some extra work for a solid agreement ahead of time will give you a good framework for how to handle issues as they arise.  When a partnership agreement does not exist, it is often more challenging to figure out how to handle matters when a partner exits the business.

Winding Up Business Matters:

When deciding to end a partnership, a skilled attorney like the ones here at Callagy Law, PC, can guide you through negotiating a dissolution or partnership separation agreement, prepare the agreement according to the negotiated terms, and file the necessary paperwork with the state entity where the partnership was registered.  There also needs to be a plan in place to notify creditors and to handle the disposition of partnership assets. Keep in mind that there are often tax implications involved in winding up the affairs of any business, so it is important to consult a tax professional to determine your liabilities, if any.

The decision to dissolve a partnership is not always an easy one and it is important to explore all the options available to you when deciding to exit a business.  The attorneys at Callagy Law, PC can help you navigate a dissolution or sale with confidence.

Written by Jennifer Liniado, Esq. for Callagy Law, PC