Medical Revenue Recovery Attorneys / What Is The Out-Of-Network Healthcare Cost Bill?

What Is The Out-Of-Network Healthcare Cost Bill?

Watch this video about the out-of-network healthcare cost bill. Then call Callagy Law for a free legal consultation and case evaluation.


What is the out-of-network healthcare cost bill?


People ask us all the time what to do now with this new Out-of-Network Bill. It’s a really complicated situation. First of all, I’m outraged and appalled with our legislature for passing such a bill. While this is being passed, insurance companies are raising their rates. Doctors are getting crushed. It is wrong.

What should you do? Number one, you can expect that you’re going to have some significant challenges with insurance companies attacking you for fee forgiving. I don’t have a roadmap of how you should be handling that from this point going forward. It’s definitely something you should give us a call to talk about. We’ll be happy to consult with you and think about those issues. There are provisions that create massive challenges and fee forgiving in this situation, and how they’re going to argue with you about what fee forgiving is, what your responsibilities are, and trying to collect. That’s one huge issue.What Is The Out-Of-Network Healthcare Cost Bill?

Number two, there’s a complex web that exists right now in terms of what this arbitration system is going to look like. The regulations aren’t passed yet. It’s not assured. We’re going to be on the forefront of the cutting edge just like we have been in collecting PIP money, commercial insurance money before this, and worker’s comp money. Please stay tuned. We’ll be doing additional videos on that. Give us a call if you have any questions about it.

Third, you need to consider if you’re going to decide to go in network. This is what this is all about. It’s about forcing you in and creating control over you. Don’t do that on your own. There’s a lot of ways to negotiate these contracts. There are incredibly important things that are involved. The dopiest thing that medical providers do in my opinion, respectfully, is they negotiate these contracts to save a few thousand dollars in contract negotiations.

They get destroyed to tunes of hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions of dollars because they negotiate a horrendous contract, dopily, with the insurance company, thinking they’re saving a few bucks and they’re really smart. You do your job and stay in the operating room. Let us do our job and negotiate contracts and give you advice on what to do from here.

I’m Sean Callagy. This is Callagy Law. We’re sorry this is happening. Don’t give up the fight. Don’t think that you have to go in-network. Don’t think out-of-network is dead yet. Give us a call, 201-261-1700, thank you.

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