How Much Are Denied Claims Costing Providers?

Just how high is the cost of denied claims? A Change Healthcare study uncovered the staggering number: providers lose out on about $262 billion a year, and nine percent of claims are initially denied. Contesting and resubmitting claims costs approximately $118 per claim, which does not sound that high – until you multiply it by hundreds or even thousands of patients. 

While able to eventually collect on 63% of disputed claims, that leaves 37% that are denied, as well as the time and resources spent refuting or resubmitting. What can healthcare providers do to increase clean claims and ensure optimal revenue flow?

Mitigating the Cost of Denied Claims: The Medical Provider/Law Firm Relationship

The provider/lawyer relationship looks different than a typical client/lawyer relationship. It involves an ongoing partnership, and legal counsel becomes a critical component in a practice or facility’s revenue stream, bolstering billing and collection efforts and acting as a trusted advisor relating to recovery. 

What makes the provider/lawyer relationship particularly unique is that the legal services are, on their face, delivered at no cost. For example, PIP (personal injury protection) cases, with limited exception, cost you, as a provider, nothing. The carrier pays the filing costs and attorney’s fees. Other types of claims, such as workers’ compensation and commercial liability, may be handled on a contingency basis. The bottom line is that monetary recovery comes essentially cost-free. 

Medical Revenue Recovery | Free eBook Download on Healthcare Reimbursement from Insurance CarriersThe key to both monetary recovery and mutually-beneficial partnerships is carefully managing the nuances of the medical provider/law firm relationship. With collective decades of experience in medical revenue recovery law, Callagy Law is as adept at handling complex, intricate communications both with clients and with insurance carriers and other parties; successful and clearly managing expectations; and achieving positive outcomes for providers. 

We have helped clients optimize network agreements, navigate recovery arbitration and litigation, and ensure that practices are not leaving money on the table, so to speak, when it comes to reimbursements. Initially, when we begin work on medical revenue recovery, providers can see a rapid influx of funds that help mitigate the cost of denied claims. 

Think of it like damn breaking. After this period, it is all but inevitable that recoveries, in essence, slow down to align with current claims. Past claims have been resolved – and paid. The key now is moving forward with a focus on consistent healthcare revenue streams

Callagy Law’s Medical Claims Audit Process

The process is contingent upon a thorough medical claims audit. All prior claims should be carefully reviewed. This serves several key purposes:

  • Identifying claims on which revenue is still recoverable. As part of our medical claims audit, we will review every Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from the past six years, analyzing them for recovery opportunities. If necessary, your Callagy Law attorney will appeal claims as well – at no charge.
  • Find exemplars of your usual and customary rate (UCR). Our team will extract exemplars to prove your UCR. We’ll look at good payment EOBs and those where there are opportunities for additional recovery. UCR can be a big issue in terms of reimbursement to recoup the cost of denied claims, and your exemplars are invaluable in arbitration and litigation.
  • Reassurance. This, too, is invaluable. With a medical claims audit, you can be sure that you are not leaving any revenue on the table, so to speak. It is all too common for insurance carriers to underpay or deny payment; knowing you are taking proactive steps to recoup the funds to which you are entitled provides exceptional peace of mind. 

Generally, there are three year and six year reviews. Why? It has to do with the nature of treatment you provide and specific statutes of limitation among PIP, workers’ compensation, and commercial liability claims. For example, the typical statute of limitations for a PIP claim is two years from the date of the last payment. This refers to the date that the insurance carrier made a payment to any provider on this claim. 

Let’s look at a scenario to put it into perspective. Say that you performed an orthopedic procedure three years ago for a patient who was involved in an accident, and the claim was denied. However, a physical therapist received reimbursement six months ago on the same claim. As the orthopedist, your claim is still within the statute of limitations. The six year review generally applies to workers’ compensation and commercial liability cases.

It can be complex, and you may not realize that reimbursement to recover some of the cost of denied claims is still recoverable. This is why we’re here.

Why You Should Request a Medical Claims Audit Now

Certainly, healthcare providers could use additional reassurance – now more than ever. Just like PPE, it seems as if peace of mind is in short supply. This is a pivotal time for your practice, whether you have been forced to close your doors, alter hours and services, or you are treating COVID-10 patients. There is a significant revenue impact; however you can take steps to maximize cash flow and mitigate the cost of denied claims.

There are two issues of which to be aware:

  1. Reimbursement for COVID-19 treatment. Many hospitals and providers can receive additional funding for the treatment of COVID-19 patients. However, it is not as clear as to how such treatments fit into existing state regulations for reimbursement. For example, if you are a cardiologist but are now seeing ER patients almost exclusively, consider that you may bump into the issue of underpayment or claims denials. We hate to see this happen, particularly during this crisis, but we must be prepared for that eventuality. There are arbitration processes with very tight windows and very stringent guidelines; knowing how to navigate this new terrain is essential.
  2. Economic impact. Your facility or practice may have had to shut down, either completely or in part, because of social distancing requirements and fears surrounding COVID-19. There are ways that you can mitigate the risk of lost revenue, including providing telemedicine.

A six year claim review is also critical in light of the pandemic. We’ll review all of your EOBs for the past six years, digging into your claim history to find unrecovered money. Callagy Law has found claims worth hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands, and even millions of dollars for our clients. 

Another route to consider is remote access to claim data. This enables our team to review EOBs and claims data from our location, allowing us to proceed as if this crisis never happened. 

There are ways to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on your practice or facility, and rest assured: Callagy Law will help you find each and every one of them, pursuing claims on which you can recover meaningful compensation. 

Now is the time for a medical claims audit and review; do not delay. Contact Callagy Law to learn more and to get started on this essential process.