Sean Callagy a Leader in Healthcare Revenue Recovery

Sean Callagy a Leader in Healthcare Revenue Recovery For Hospitals and Healthcare Providers

Dear Hospital leader, team member, physician and or other healthcare practice owner or team member,

If you are in health care, this is for you.

The written and video advice, stories, information, insights and systems you will be given here will be of great value.

My name is Sean Callagy.

This is letter one for our Callagy Law and Sean Callagy Healthcare Legal Check-Up page.

Sean Callagy – Advising and Helping Hospitals and Healthcare Providers for Over 17 Years

I have been practicing law for 17 plus years. I have seen a lot of interesting, and CRAZY things.

Crazy? Yes crazy.

Where else in the world can you be accused of fraud for billing for a 30 minute provision of healthcare services if you only spent twenty minutes, yet be paid $1,500.00 on a $22,500.00 bill and be vilified for complaining?

How about being accused of fraud for listening to your lawyer who you spent 10’s of thousands of dollars?

Yes, being a healthcare provider has tremendous upsides, but it also has many complex and maddening challenges.

For sixteen years, I have been representing healthcare professionals and entities in all facets of their functioning and their lives.

Sean Callagy and Callagy Law Medical Revenue Recovery

Reimbursement issues were where I started sixteen years ago. Since, the greatest challenge, from a legal perspective, facing hospitals, doctors and health care professionals is that they are extremely intelligent and very understandably confident in their intellect and life accomplishments.

In fact, my favorite new title for a lot of what I’m sharing in our practice is: “What You Think You Know, BUT DON’T, IS COSTING YOU MILLIONS”.

While that applies to every area of our practice, it is particularly relevant to our healthcare clients.

Sean Callagy: Medical Recovery and the Insurance Carrier

Not so sure, okay, let me share a few quick examples.

One of my early healthcare clients, 15 years ago, was being represented by a well known attorney. The client was embroiled in an ugly battle with an insurance carrier. He was being accused of wrong doing and the carrier wanted to recover payments to his facilities. My client was money for the facilities.

The lawyer, billing hourly, believed the case would take years.

I took over and settled the case for millions in under sixty days.

Bad Legal Advice Will Cost YOU BIG Time!

I have watched hospitals get involved in funding relationships that give up enormous portions of their receivables unnecessarily thinking it is the only way to improve cash flow.

I’ve had clients ignore my advice and listen to purported nationally renowned healthcare attorneys who later got their clients sued for millions of dollars in fraud claims.

What about your receivables? We’ve taken on new accounts, including in worker’s compensation, where we recovered a million dollars in sixty days for a facility in under payments they didn’t even know they had.

Oh, if you are a hospital, do you know that you could be sitting on hundreds of thousands, if not millions in under payments that are recoverable, BUT that the statute of limitations is expiring on some of these claims as you read these words?

Sean Callagy: Helping Healthcare Providers To Be More Productive

Our mission here is to help you with our vast experience and knowledge to make your professional life in health care more productive, safer and easier.

When I was in law school, the professors shared preposterous and unlikely supposed situations.

They would come up with wild theoreticals that appeared unfeasible. The circumstances seemed exclusively manufactured to demonstrate excessive points, and surely did not seem reasonable.

Well, in 17 years, 15 plus of which I’ve been running my own law firm, I’ve seen stuff that would blow you away and make the law professor’s theoretic stories appear meek in comparison.

The main point to understand, though, is that these intense circumstances happen right out of very ordinary and basic situations to healthcare providers just like you.

Reimbursement battles, practice blow ups, license and professional board issues, employment and even family law issues impact health care professionals every day.

Sean Callagy- Your Legal Healthcare Provider Advocate

Callagy Law and I, and the information we are offering, are available for you to take advantage of.

Oh yeah, people love to ask doctors to invest in things. Before you send a hundred thousand somewhere, or a million, please call us.

The greatest mistake people make in investing is buying into the dream based on a confidence build up.

How would you like to meet a man who is touted as the next attorney general, if the election goes right, of his state, owns a two hundred and sixty plus person law firm who is touting a forty percent return on your money for short term investments?

If you googled him, you would have found dozens of favorable articles, including incredible acts of charity.

My client, along with a former white collar crimes FBI agent believed that a man who built all that he built could not possibly be lying.

I disagreed.

Thankfully, my client listened and did not invest the eight million dollars that Scott Rothstein, Esq. wanted for “his clients structured settlements.”

Within sixty days, the FBI raided his office and arrested Rothstein. There were no clients. NONE!!!!!!

The entire deal was a Ponzi scheme that had generated over a billion dollars.

Rothstein, as you can see on MSNBC American Greed, click here, episode, is serving 45 years in prison.

Yes, I was face to face with him for four hours in his Bond villan like private office and lair with the private elevator. Yes, I was also taped on his secret recording system and reported all of it to the FBI before the Ponzi scheme blew up and he fled to Morocco only to mysteriously return.

All of those situations and hundreds more, are experiences I’ve had with real and good people just like you.

The common theme:  HealthCare Professionals Are Like Business People, They Think They Know Better…

The other common theme: most of these challenges could have been avoided, or greatly minimized with better legal protection or advice from the beginning.

BUT, you know that you’re smart, successful and got to where you are, right?

Well, yes you did.

You deserve to be proud and to be acknowledged and respected.

However, if you don’t have the optimal legal advice and protection, the risks in our ever increasingly competitive, dishonest and litigious world creates potential problems, some catastrophic, that are very real.

I am an entrepreneur myself. I’ve built multiple successful businesses including my current 100 team member plus law firm.

I wholeheartedly agree that it is way more fun and exciting to grow your health care entity than to protect it.

The Callagy law Business Mastery Symposium is Perfect For Healthcare Providers and Hospitals

In fact, we have a Callagy Law Business Mastery Symposium that we provide for free, monthly, just to focus on business and practice growth. Our next session is on February 12, 2014, beginning at our offices at 5:00 pm. Please be my guest and click here and sign up if you want to grow your business.

At the same time, protecting what you’ve built and using the law as an ethical and integrity filled tool to safely grow your hospital, practice or entity, and get more of what you want is so often overlooked and misunderstood that it’s scary.

Even if you have an attorney, it doesn’t mean that he or she is the right one. Moreover, if he or she is the right one, it doesn’t mean that you are utilizing the relationship optimally.

That is what we will be focusing on together here and in our videos.

For now, welcome and please spread the word. Join our LinkedIn group for our firm and for our Hospital Group, which is separate from our Healthcare Group, which is separate from our surgery center group.

We want to be a tremendous free resource for you, your practice, your patients and your family and friends through our writings and videos.

Our mission at Callagy Law, and my mission individually is to be your trusted advisor for life.

Have a great day!

Sean Callagy

If you or anyone you know has any legal question, please contact me. We are happy to help.

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