Modifying Child Support Payments

Watch this video to learn about modifying child support payments and then call Callagy Law for a free legal consultation.


How do you modify child support payments?


A lot of times, a client comes in and they’ve already had a child support number in place. They’ve been paying it, or they’ve been receiving it, and now they’ve come in and said, “I need it modified.” They either need it modified because they’re making less money and can’t pay it, or they need it modified because their former spouse is now making more money and the child support isn’t enough. For some reason or another they need the child support modified, and what that really comes down to is there really has to be a change of circumstances. Modifying Child Support Payments

What we look at when modification is an issue is what the circumstances were when you agreed to or when the court entered this child support versus what the circumstances are now. If those circumstances have changed substantially, then you may be entitled to a modification increase, decrease, whatever those circumstances may be. Quite frankly, we’re seeing a lot of that now in the middle of the pandemic era, where people have become unemployed or been furloughed. They’re not making as much money as they were or they were compelled to take salary reductions, and they can no longer afford to pay the child support that they were paying before because of those circumstances beyond their control and they’re coming in now saying they need relief. We’re getting a lot of that, and we’re having judges say they understand. This is a change of circumstances. This is something that was involuntary, and we need to consider those circumstances, too, and what the reality and ability of a party is to pay child support under these circumstances.

When there’s been a substantial change in circumstances, financial circumstances, for the better or worse, that is certainly grounds for modification of child support. If you have any questions regarding modification, particularly in today’s day and age with the pandemic and COVID-19, and the results and consequences of that, please call us at Callagy Law. We’re here to help you. We’re experienced matrimonial attorneys. We’ve been through this process many, many times, and we can certainly help you.

Are you or a loved one in the divorce process and have questions about modifying child support payments? Contact an experienced family law attorney at Callagy Law today for a free consultation and case evaluation.

Let our experience fight for you and your family.

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