Divorce Attorneys For Business Owners

Watch this video about divorce attorneys for business owners in New Jersey. Then call Callagy Law for a free legal consultation.


What’s going to happen to my business during the divorce process?


Divorce Attorneys For Business OwnersA lot of times, what we experience in our field is somebody that comes to us that owns a business and is going through a divorce. They’re confused, afraid, and scared. They don’t know what’s going to happen to their business. They don’t know what’s ahead of them.

Quite frankly, they have a right to feel that way because when you own a business, there’s a whole host of complex and different things that can happen that a lot of people aren’t aware of. There are evaluation methods that can result in hugely different numbers for a business. The whole financial framework of your business can come under scrutiny and is going to come under the microscope. How you compensated yourself is going to be challenged every step of the way.

Every expense, every loan, every account receivable is going to be looked at and scrutinized. How you’ve paid yourself, what personal expenses are paid with your business is going to come under scrutiny. The business owner going through a divorce, it is critical to have a skilled, experienced attorney and team to make sure that the business that they built, that they slaved over, they invested their time and their life and their money in is protected in the divorce and that a fair result is achieved, that a fair value is attached to that divorce, and that the outcome is what is fair and reasonable for that person.

At Callagy Law, we’ve gone through this process. Call us, 201-261-1700. We can help you. We can protect that business that you worked your life to build.

Are you or a loved one in the divorce process and have questions about divorce attorneys for business owners? Contact an experienced divorce lawyers at Callagy Law today for a free consultation and case evaluation.

We don’t just care about family law, we care about you.

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