No Surprises in Ohio

Article written by: Attorney Christina Spinelli

In January of 2022, HB 388 went into effect in Ohio. HB 388 was drafted to mirror the federal No Surprises Act (“NSA”) and to apply to health insurance plans governed by the Ohio Department of Insurance. The purpose of this legislation is to protect patients from paying more than the in-network rate for out-of-network treatment in emergency situations and when the patient did not know that the provider was out-of-network.

No Surprises in Ohio

Prior to the enactment of HB 388, the carrier might only pay an out-of-network provider a portion of the medical bill, and the provider could bill the patient for the balance, also known as “surprise billing” or “balance billing”. HB 388 provides that in these instances, the insurance carriers must pay out-of-network providers, and specifies the rates at which they are to be reimbursed. Further, providers may no longer balance bill the patient.

As stated above, HB 388 applies to (1) out-of-network emergency services, and (2) inadvertent out-of-network ancillary services. Obviously in emergency situations, the patient does not have time to discuss insurance prior to receiving treatment.  Additionally, for inadvertent out-of-network services, the patient may not be notified that some of the many providers involved in their treatment may not be in-network. For example, the anesthesiologist at the in-network surgical center may be out-of-network. In the past, the patient could be billed for the balance between the amount the carrier paid (if any) and the anesthesiologist’s billed charges. After the enactment of HB 388, the carrier must reimburse the provider at higher rates. As a result, the provider may no longer bill the patient for their services.

HB 388 specifies that the provider will be reimbursed the greatest of (1) the in-network rate, (2) the usual, customary, and reasonable rate, and (3) the Medicare rate. The standard reimbursement will almost always be the usual, customary, and reasonable rate for the services rendered.

There are two main differences between HB 388 and the NSA. First, the Ohio legislature expanded HB 388 to include ground ambulances, whereas NSA is limited to aerial ambulances. Second, HB 388 only applies to fully-insured plans, whereas NSA applies to both fully-insured and self-insured plans.

Lastly, HB 388 created a dispute resolution procedure for medical providers and insurance companies to resolve issues arising under the new law. Specifically, after a short negotiation period, the parties will submit to binding arbitration.

Callagy Law will continue to adapt practices and procedures as Ohio begins rolling out its arbitration portal.