Coronavirus (COVID-19) Is Hurting Businesses: Does Your Insurance Policy Cover Your Business Interruption / Income Loss?

Coronavirus (COVID-19) shut down my business, what happens if I cannot make money?  The company I work for closed down by order of the governor, what if my employer cannot pay my salary?  How do I pay my bills?!  These questions (and many others) are probably occupying a lot of your mental space because of the incredible uncertainty created by this unprecedented worldwide event.

As Coronavirus continues to wreak havoc on the world in so many respects, businesses are suffering. I would submit that concerns about the impact of Coronavirus on business (along with related employment challenges) come in at second place of most concerning events, of course behind personal, family, community, and global health and safety.

COVID-19 Is Hurting Businesses

Coronavirus likely has (and will continue to) negatively impact just about any kind of business (unless, for example, your business is manufacturing, distributing, or selling hand sanitizer, anti-bacterial soap, or, strangely, toilet paper), such as restaurants, hotels, event planning companies, cruise lines, sport organizations, doctor offices … and the list goes on.  Even businesses that are typically “recession”-proof are feeling the wrath of Coronavirus.

Whether you are a business owner, operator, or leader, or whether you are an employee that works for a business of any kind or size, have you been looking into all possible means of protecting your business and yourself?  This article is intended to introduce you to some of the options that you can (and should) be immediately considering.

Does Your Insurance Policy Cover Business Interruption / Income Loss?

Have you been looking into your business’ insurance policy(ies)?  Have you been looking into restructuring your business model / operation?  Have you been looking into financing (such as a SBA loan or opening / expanding a line of credit from your bank) to get through these tough times? This article specifically deals with business interruption / income insurance, and Callagy Law will be expounding on same (along with the other aforementioned options) in the very near future via written blogs, video blogs, and live Q&A sessions.  Although there is a lot that goes into the business interruption / income insurance coverage analysis, you should be exploring this option as the Plan A / primary option … yesterday

Will Business Interruption Insurance Cover Coronavirus-Related Income Losses?

Generally speaking, just having an interruption to your business is not enough to trigger BI coverage.  Your insurance policy will usually require an “underlying loss” in order to trigger your business interruption / income loss coverage.  For example, say a hurricane’s winds damaged your business’ physical structure and slowed (or shut down) your business operation as a consequence.  Well, the underlying covered physical loss will likely trigger business interruption / loss (“BI”) coverage if your policy affords such coverage. Notably, however, some insurance policies will cover a standalone BI claim.  So, this is just one example of the myriad BI-related angles that you should be exploring ASAP.

As another example, sometimes your insurance policy will exclude coverage for any loss (including BI) arising out of a “virus” or “disease.”  But sometimes not.  And even if your policy excludes coverage for loss emanating from a virus or disease, you are not necessarily out of luck.  It is important, under your policy, to look at the most direct / proximate cause of your loss. For example, for most businesses, it is not a virus or disease that crippled your business; rather, it is a civil authority (like a county executive or the governor) instructing non-essential businesses to shut their doors.  In this instance, the civil authority’s instruction is the most direct / proximate cause of your business closure or reduction rather than the virus or disease itself.  In some jurisdictions, a civil authority’s instruction (which may find coverage under your policy) will be viewed as the most direct / proximate cause of your business closure or reduction, thereby finding you coverage for the BI loss even if loss emanating from a virus or disease (in the first instance) is excluded from coverage.  But, even then, it would be important to also assess your policy’s anti-concurrent causation language (or lack thereof).

How an Experienced Insurance Attorney Can Help

Point being, as you explore Plan A (your BI insurance coverage), which, again, we strongly suggest you do right now, you should be doing so in conjunction with (or by way of) a well-experienced insurance attorney. There are several insurance coverage variables to assess beyond those outlined above, which such complicated variables are often further complicated by insurance policy language reading like hieroglyphics to most folks who do not deal in insurance for a living.

Callagy Law has assessed such variables on many occasions across many jurisdictions; i.e., is well-seasoned in cracking the insurance policy hieroglyphic code to help find you coverage. And Callagy Law performs its intake analysis as a courtesy (i.e., free of charge) for you, the potential client.  So, there is absolutely no harm in your picking up the phone to call us or in your emailing us.  We have offices (and attorneys, paralegal staff, and otherwise just good, smart people) all throughout the country ready to serve you in your time of need.  Heck, I alone am fully licensed (state and federal) in Florida, Texas, New York, New Jersey, and Washington D.C., and hold some licenses in Pennsylvania and Illinois, and I indeed practice all throughout the country … really just my desk is in Boca Raton, Florida.

If there is a way to secure BI coverage for you under your insurance policy (or even guide you in any insurance or commercial matter, in the event that your business does not find BI coverage under your policy), an experienced insurance attorney will find it fast.  And if your insurance company does not play ball with affording that coverage (and promptly), of course your attorney should have your back with any and all lawsuit (and / or pre-suit) measures.  

Whatever you do, do not delay! Insurance matters are not like fine wine, they do not get better with age.

In the meantime, please stay healthy and safe.

If you have any questions or want to further explore anything discussed in this article (and future related articles, videos, and live Q&A sessions), you can contact me, Jeff Greyber directly. My email and office phone number are and (561) 405-7966. For my partner, Michael Smikun, in our New York and New Jersey office, you can contact him at or call him at (201) 293-3979.