3 Most Commonly Used Mechanisms of Discovery

Being involved in a legal dispute of any kind can be a very stressful and taxing circumstance. A person who does not have a lot of experience with lawsuits, otherwise known as litigations, often has a lot of questions about what happens in litigation. What usually happens is those individuals end up asking their loved ones or everyone’s new best friend, Google, about what happens in a lawsuit. However, often times they find those answers lacking. Here at Callagy Law we believe we have the answers to those questions and much more.

One of the questions I get asked most often from a first-time litigant is how do we ask questions or find out information from the other side in the legal dispute? Importantly, the stage in the lawsuit where you get to engage in the fact-finding process and ask these types of questions is called “discovery” and there are several mechanisms at your disposal.

While there are numerous types of mechanisms at your disposal in discovery the most commonly used, and the ones that will be discussed in this article, are:

  1. Interrogatories,
  2. Requests for the production of documents, and
  3. Depositions.

When discussing these discovery mechanisms, I will do so in the context of the following example: Imagine that on February 1, 2018 at 4:00 PM you are driving your new car around town and you approach a stoplight at Main Avenue in Anytown, New Jersey. When you are at a stoplight you see John Smith, a young high schooler, driving a car behind you and looking at his cell-phone. Without realizing that he is approaching a stoplight and your car, John Smith continues to drive. Eventually, John Smith careens at 20 mph into your car causing substantial damage to your bumper and causing your head to jerk forward which results in whiplash. Eventually you sue John Smith and get to the discovery stage of litigation.

1. Interrogatories

During litigation you can use interrogatories to ask John Smith certain questions that you want answered and the Court to take notice of. Examples of interrogatories in this example would be: (a) Were you driving your car at 4:00 P.M. on February 1, 2018 at Main Avenue in Anytown, New Jersey? And (b) Were you driving your car at 4:00 P.M. on February 1, 2018 at Main Avenue in Anytown, New Jersey, while also looking at your cellphone?. The answers to these two questions will obviously impact your case.

2. Requests for the Production of Documents

Let’s assume that John Smith is not forthright in his interrogatory answers, and answers no to the following questions. In order to continue finding out the truth, you can ask John Smith for certain documents – via the discovery mechanism of request for the production of documents – that will also show that he was texting at the time of the accident. For example, you can request documents such as:

  • Phone call records from the date of the accident and
  • Texting records from the date of the accident.

3. Depositions

Questions to Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer | Personal Injury Questions | FREE Download | Callagy Law of New JerseyLastly, let’s assume that John Smith does not provide or you cannot get a copy of the phone call records, there is still the mechanism of a deposition to discover the facts in your case. A deposition is usually an in-person meeting between an attorney and a party or witness in the case. The person who is being deposed needs to swear that the information they are testifying about is true to the best of their knowledge. This discovery tool may be the most useful one in all of discovery because it allows your attorney to comprehensively question your adversary or a witness about an issue in the case and ask follow-up questions about any inconsistencies in their story.

So using the above example again, your attorney can ask John Smith about whether he was texting at the time of the accident. If John Smith says no, then you could introduce other facts which contradict his story. Let’s say that prior to John Smith’s deposition, you deposed his girlfriend, who admitted that at 3:59:57 she received a text from John Smith saying “Hey, I am approaching Main Avenue, and I will be at your house in 10 minutes to pick you up”. John Smith’s girlfriend’s testimony can be used to contradict John Smith’s assertion that he was not texting and driving.

All of John Smith’s discovery answers can be used later on at trial to support your side of the case and/or can be used as leverage in settlement by demonstrating to the other side that John Smith has little to no chance at winning at trial

I hope that you have found this article helpful. If you liked the article, please feel free to like Callagy Law on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and all of our social media accounts. If you or anyone you know has any questions about this article or other articles you have seen on our website please feel free to call us anytime at 201-261-1700.

Lastly, if you or someone you know needs legal representation, contact us today. We are sorry that you or someone you know is in a situation where you even need legal counsel. However, the attorneys at Callagy Law can help you with whatever situation you are facing so that you can return to peace in your life and the things that are truly important.