How To Avoid Multi-Million Dollar Litigation, Part 3: The Secrets of A Powerful Agreement

How To Avoid Multi-Million Dollar Litigation, Part 3

Five Part Series by Sean Callagy of Callagy Law, your law firm in Paramus, Bergen County, New Jersey.

Part 3:

Please really absorb, think about and implement the lessons of this five part series from your friends at Callagy Law and share it with your business colleagues and feel free to contact me, Sean Callagy at now with any questions or concerns or on social media as described below.

Yesterday we discussed the potentially catastrophic, or at least highly unpleasant, consequences of failing to deal with issues “up-front” in your business.

We saw partners accusing the other of choking him and throwing him across the room.

We discussed a partner attempting to steal over one hundred million dollars from another partner.

Commercial Litigation Illustration and Transactional Attorney Alarm

I’ve even seen cases where a business was dying, an owner was on the verge of bankruptcy, and where a person came into the business and said I will turn this around in a year, and then my systems will run the business, with no personal involvement from me, but we will always be 50-50 partners. Everything worked and the two split a million dollars a year for years. Then, after awhile, the guy who was nearly bankrupt forgot and decided he was doing all the work and wanted all the money.

In future blogs, we will explore these scenarios in much greater detail and continue to discuss commercial litigation and what it means to chose the right transactional attorney in New Jersey.

For now, the key point is this: people have short memories. Emotions drive all human behavior. Emotions change over time.

Look at divorce rates, which are now over 50 percent. Feelings change and actions change.

Contracts don’t!

Do you need a commercial litigation and transactional attorney?

Now, a lot of people say, well Sean Callagy, I have a shareholder, partner and or member agreement, along with an operating agreement.

Great I say, BUT is it the right agreement.

Most of the crazy commercial litigation cases I have seen do have contracts and also had a transactional attorney. The issue, however, is that they do not have the right contracts to minimize or avoid the insanity of commercial litigation.

What is a “right contract?”

Well, for starters, your contract needs to be designed to avoid or minimize the risks of commercial litigation AND maximize the likelihood of positive feelings between the owners and smooth flow of business.

At Callagy Law, we spend a ton of time, in commercial litigation cases and being transactional attorneys in NJ, saying how much could have been avoided with three simple rules followed. There is a lot more to it than that just these three, but with these basics, you are off to a great start.

These points are:
1. Loser pays attorney’s fees, and ALL costs, including experts;
2. Choose a formula and one person to value the company in the event of a dispute;
3. Detail misconduct that will allow for one party to receive the interest of the other at a huge discount.

All of this is designed to discourage the party with “larceny in his or her heart” and to encourage solution driven good behavior.

Do you have an agreement?

Does it function this way?

If not, please immediately call Callagy Law and ask for me, Sean Callagy.

Tomorrow, we will look at these principals in more detail and introduce the other three types of key business agreements besides Ownership Agreements.

Commit to taking your business to the next level today and write down your goals and driving “why’s” that make you feel it to your core!
In your service,
Sean Callagy

If you do not have agreements like the ones we are describing here, please contact Sean Callagy now at 201-261-1700. You can also contact Sean Callagy or Callagy Law on LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ or by Email.

P.S. Join us at our Business Mastery Club that will help you grow your business and yourself on April 17, 2014 at Callagy Law, Paramus, Bergen County, New Jersey. Sign up now!

Please pass this along to any business owner or sales person you know now! Thank you!!

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