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Filing a Provider Claim if The Patient Never Filed For Benefits

Do you have questions about filing a provider claim if the patient never filed for benefits? Watch this video, then call Callagy Law.


Can I still file a medical provider claim if the injured worker never filed a claim for benefits?


Filing a Provider Claim if The Patient Never Filed For Benefits Medical providers often ask whether they can file a medical provider claim in a workers’ comp court if the patient hasn’t filed a claim. The answer is yes, with one qualification. A patient has to at least have informed their employer that they were hurt on the job. Once that happens, then yes, there’s a claim number that’s created. The employer tells the workers’ comp carrier that a worker was hurt. A claim number gets assigned. Then the medical provider is in touch with that carrier with that claim number. The patient does need to at least file a claim with the workers’ comp carrier of the employer; however, they don’t have to file a workers’ comp claim in workers’ comp court. They don’t have to have a claim in workers’ comp court in order for the medical provider to file a separate claim, their own claim, in workers’ comp court in New Jersey because they’ve been underpaying. Here’s typically what happens. A medical provider starts to see this patient. They get authorization from the carrier for the treatment or it might be an ER situation where the patient is treated on an ER emergency room basis. The patient lets the employer know they got hurt on the job. The employer lets the carrier know. The medical provider bills that carrier. The carrier makes a payment. Under New Jersey law, if there’s no agreement between the workers’ comp carrier and the medical provider, commonly known as a PPO, the medical provider, as long as they have authorization, was entitled to usual customary rates. What’ll often happen is a surgeon may bill $20,000 for a procedure and the carrier pays them $2,000. These are not exaggerated numbers. We take the position of workers’ comp court that the medical provider billed charge is that medical provider’s usual and customary rate. We go after the full $20,000 when we go to workers’ comp court as long as we can justify it through either good payment EOBs from provider or industry data that shows the provider’s charges are reasonable. Assuming the provider’s $20,000 of charges is reasonable, we go after that $20,000. The carrier paid $2,000. Now we’re in court, in workers’ comp court, fighting with the carrier. We’re going for $18,000 more and the carrier is saying the $2,000 was justified. That’s the medical provider claim. That claim can go forward regardless of whether the patient has a separate patient claim in workers’ comp court. We can proceed on that basis. Inevitably, we come to a settlement of some kind, somewhere between $0 and $18,000 as a settlement. It’s always at a level that the client and medical provider agrees to you. That’s how we operate in workers’ comp world. You can in fact file a medical provider application without there being an underlying patient claim in workers’ comp court. Give us a call about workers’ comp. We do some amazing things in workers’ comp world. It is a world that is kind to medical providers, much more so than other areas of recovery. We’re here and happy to help you in that space. Give us a call in Paramus, Callagy Law. We’d love to help.

Have you been grossly underpaid by the insurance companies as a medical provider and have questions about filing a provider claim if the patient never filed for benefits? Contact an experienced medical revenue recovery attorney at Callagy Law today for a free consultation and case evaluation. Let us help you fight for your rights.

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