Can You Mediate & Arbitrate at the Same Time?

In divorce litigation, I encourage my clients to seek alternative dispute resolutions, like mediation or arbitration, rather than undertaking the traditional litigation route which is often times is both emotionally and financially draining. To be sure, there are cases in which litigation is the only viable option. However, our courts strongly encourage resolutions through mediation and/or arbitration as such venues provide a confidential forum for effective, expedient and fair resolution of disputes. Of course, the natural progression of a case is an effort to resolve the disputes before going to an independent third-party to make a decision. So, we mediate before we arbitrate. Understanding the difference between these two alternative dispute resolutions is critical.

Mediation vs. Arbitration

Mediation and arbitration and similar in many regards. Both allow for candid and confidential exchange of information. In mediation, the mediator facilitates communication between the parties in an effort to promote settlement without imposition of the mediator’s own judgment regarding the issues in dispute. The mediator’s role is to identify issues and encourage the parties to accommodate each other’s interests. The mediator is not tasked with reaching a final decision in the matter. Mediation encourages confidential disclosures to the mediator with the trust that such information will remain in confidence. More importantly, the parties understand that confidential information cannot then be utilized is any future court proceeding. A mediator is a facilitator of communications entrusted with confidential information which can be utilized by the mediator to aid in reaching a settlement.

An arbitrator, on the other hand, is an evaluator of facts, evidence and information which is then utilized for making final determinations. Arbitrators weigh evidence, assess credibility and apply the law in rendering a final decision. The arbitration process does not envision the exchange of confidential information between the parties and the arbitrator and the arbitrator’s role is not to facilitate a resolution, but to make a final decision.

As you can see, the positions of mediator and arbitrator are in conflict. This conflict gives rise to another issue that we often come up against in the divorce process: using the same person to mediate and then arbitrate the disputes.

Mediator Then Arbitrator

An arbitrator must maintain public confidence in the integrity and fairness of the arbitration process. If the same person acts as a mediator, obtains party confidences or offers opinions on the issues in disputes, a conflict arises where he or she then to switch roles and act as an arbitrator, charged with now making the final decision. Therefore, our courts have held that a mediator cannot subsequently serve as an arbitrator in the same dispute.

However, parties can specifically agree that the arbitrator can also serve as mediator during their proceedings and then resume the role of arbitrator. With that said, you must have a clear understanding of the risks and benefits of having one person serve the dual role of arbitrator and mediator. Importantly, all claims of confidentiality and privilege are waived and the parties understand that such confidential and privileged information will likely influence the arbitrator’s decision if the matter is not resolved.

Call Callagy Law

The decision to mediate and/or arbitrate your dispute must be made carefully with full and complete knowledge of your legal rights and the practical implications. Having the right attorney to counsel and advise you both before and during the process is critical. At Callagy Law, our family law attorneys have the right mixture of caring, urgency and aggression to protect your rights and make sure you understand the legal and practice implications of the decisions made in your case. If you, a friend or a family member are having divorce or family law related challenges, call us at (201) 293-3979, we can help.