15 Alimony Tips

Are you going through the divorce process and have questions? Check out these 15 alimony tips, then contact our New Jersey attorney today.

Alimony Requirements

15 Alimony TipsA lot of clients come in for consultations with a lot of expectations around alimony, making statements like, “I’m entitled to alimony,” or “I’m going to get alimony.” We generally have to back up a little bit and talk first. For one, let’s talk about your marital lifestyle. Let’s talk about how much you earn. Let’s talk about how much your spouse earns. Let’s talk about the division of assets. Let’s talk about how much money you’re going to get in that division of assets. Let’s talk about how long you were married and, if you worked the entirety of that marriage, the disparity between the incomes of you and your spouse. Only at that point, can we then talk about what your alimony obligation is going to be, how much alimony you’re going to receive, and what your entitlement is.

There are no guarantees that you’re entitled to alimony. If there’s a big disparity in income – somebody is making $500,000 a year and somebody is making $100,000 a year – and you were married for ten years, then, yes, I would say there’s an entitlement to alimony in that situation. If somebody is making $100,000 a year and somebody’s making $85,000 a year, and it’s a three-year marriage, I would say that there’s a less likely entitlement to alimony in that type of situation.

After we go through the facts of the marriage, we have a better understanding and a better idea of what kind of advice we can give to our clients. If you’re having these types of issues around alimony, and how long and how much you’re going to be receiving or have to pay, please call us at Callagy Law in the family law department. We are here to help you, and we certainly can help you. Our attorneys have been doing this for a very long time and we can help get you solutions.

How Alimony is Determined

In New Jersey, alimony is determined pursuant to our statute, which contains a number of factors. The three biggest factors are the paying spouse’s ability to pay, the receiving spouse’s need for alimony, and the lifestyle of the parties during their marriage. As we look at each case, we have to look at what the incomes of the parties are, what their earning potentials are, how long they’ve been married – to determine how long alimony will last – and any other factors that are relevant, such as who’s caring for the children, who has the ability to maybe double or triple their income, and whose income may be diminished by their parenting responsibilities.

Alimony is very fact-specific to every case, and the facts need to be addressed with the factors in that alimony statute. We deal with alimony in most of our cases, and it is a very important issue in almost every case. If you have any questions whatsoever about how alimony is determined, what you might be entitled to, or how long you may expect to pay or receive it, please contact us here at Callagy Law.

How Long Alimony Payments Are Required

A lot of times when alimony is an issue in a divorce litigation, one of the first things a person will ask is, “How long am I going to have to pay for it?” or “How long am I going to receive it?” If you’re on the side where you’re paying alimony, you certainly don’t want to pay it any longer than you have to; you want to pay it for as little a duration as possible. If you’re on the side where you’re receiving alimony, you want to get it for as long as possible. Again, it’s fact-specific. The length of your marriage matters. The marital lifestyle matters. How long you’re going to have to pay or how long you’re going to receive alimony, again, is going to be on a case-by-case basis.

As a general matter, unless you’re married more than 20 years, you’re not going to have to pay alimony for longer than you were married. If you were married for ten years, you’re not going to pay alimony for more than ten years. That would be the absolute longest duration you would receive. If you were married for more than 20 years, we have what’s called open durational alimony, which means it would go on until some other triggering event, like death or retirement, or some other legal basis that says I want my alimony terminated or modified.

There’s limited duration, which terminates at a certain time. For example, say it’s a 10-year marriage. The parties or the court says you’re going to pay alimony for seven years, and it ends at that seven years for most purposes. Again, the duration is fact-specific on the marriage and applying the facts to what we know in the law.

If you have any types of questions about alimony, how long you’re going to have to pay, how long you’re going to receive, the amount of alimony based upon the marriage, please call us at Callagy Law. We can walk you through this. We handled these types of issues every day. We can answer your questions and help you get through the process.

Types of Alimony

In New Jersey, alimony is largely either open durational alimony or limited durational alimony. There are other types of alimony, such as rehabilitative alimony, which are used in certain circumstances but less often.

Open durational alimony, pursuant to our statute, is warranted in cases where the parties are married 20 years or more. Limited durational alimony is awarded in those cases where the parties are married less than 20 years. People have their formulas and people have their ideas on how long alimony should last, but, again, every case is fact-specific. In some cases with a 15-year marriage, alimony might be appropriate for eight years. In other scenarios, it might be appropriate for ten years, or even twelve years, depending on the factors. Again, our statute has factors that we have to abide by, the three biggest ones being the ability to pay, the need, and the marital lifestyle.

The different types of alimony are very essential. If you have any questions about what type of alimony you’re entitled to, how long your alimony is going to last, or how much it should be – both paying or receiving – please contact us and we’ll walk you through that process.

Definition of Alimony

Alimony in New Jersey is also called spousal support. It is awarded or agreed upon, hopefully, in most cases. It is awarded to the spouse that needs support. If we are representing a client who has traditionally been either a stay-at-home mom or the person just earning less money than the other spouse, it is likely going to be an alimony case.

Alimony is subject to a number of factors, pursuant to our statute, the three most prevalent of which are the needs of the supported spouse, the ability to pay of the supporting spouse, and the lifestyle of the parties during their marriage. The courts try to and our law tries to put both spouses in as close to a marital lifestyle as possible, given the economic circumstances. It is unlikely, in most cases, that both parties can have the exact same marital lifestyle because now we’re talking about the same pot of money being split up between two households. The goal is to put both parties in as close to that position as possible.

Alimony is an issue in the vast majority of cases we deal with. Alimony is an issue, sometimes, that’s disposed of quickly by agreement; sometimes alimony is not warranted. The big considerations of alimony are, certainly, how much and for how long. There are factors that can get complicated, especially if income of the parties is in question. If you have any questions at all about alimony, spousal support, incomes, please contact us because it is one of the more important areas of every divorce.

Court Ordered Alimony Requirements

We do handle a lot of post-judgment matters where alimony has already been set and a client will come in and say, “I’m not getting the alimony.” The former spouse is not paying the alimony that was agreed to or that the court ordered and they need to enforce that obligation. Again, it’s like child support in the sense that it involves enforcement. You have the right to enforce what’s been agreed to or what a court has ordered, so you file an application to enforce that obligation.

A lot of times when you see that application, or we have to file that application, the paying spouse comes in saying they can’t afford to pay it anymore. Certainly, it’s their burden to prove to a court that they can’t afford to pay it anymore, but until they do that, they have a legal obligation to pay that alimony to you.

If you’re not receiving the alimony and you’ve tried to negotiate and be reasonable with your spouse about paying the alimony and you’re still not receiving it, then you need to file an application with the court to enforce the obligation. You have a legal right and you’re entitled to receive that full amount of alimony. Unless and until the former spouse can prove to a court that they can no longer pay it and the circumstances beyond their control, you have a right to receive that.

If you’re having these problems and these difficulties, please call us at Callagy Law in our family law department. We can help you and guide you through the process, and we can get solutions for you that work.

Alimony Requirements If Only One Spouse Works

If you typically were the earning spouse and your spouse did not work during your marriage, in New Jersey, it is likely you will be paying alimony. However, we have to look at your spouse’s earning capacity. If your spouse stayed at home to raise children for a few years, and now those children are older and your spouse can work, your spouse, A, should be looking for work or, B, we can look to impute income to your spouse.

If your spouse, for instance, had a job making $100,000 a year several years ago and now quit for even good reasons, for a number of years, like to raise children, but now the children are at an age that they can have either daycare or are the age where they can care for themselves after school, there’s no reason that your spouse should not be working. We would try to impute income, maybe not at the same level, but maybe at the same level or close to that level.

Yes, in general, if your spouse is not working, cannot work due to a disability, or has zero qualifications to work and never worked during the marriage, you can expect to pay alimony based upon your spouse earning little or nothing. However, in most cases, your spouse should be earning something, either now or in the future, which will impact your alimony. In many cases, we see arrangements where the paying spouse will pay a little bit more in alimony for the first few years, and then it’ll drop because the expectation is that the other spouse can now go out and find employment and better themselves.

With every alimony case, whether your spouse is working or not working, it is fact-specific and we need to look at the facts and apply the factors in the alimony statute to the case to come up with the right amount of alimony, whether you’re the receiving or paying spouse. We deal with alimony in almost every case, and it is a huge part of what we do in most cases. If you have any questions about alimony, whether you’re the paying spouse or the receiving spouse, working or not working, please give us a call here at Callagy Law.

Determining Who Pays Alimony

A lot of times when we have clients come to discuss divorce litigation, a lot of questions come up about how much alimony will be and how long alimony will go on for. “My spouse has a career, I have a career,” they say, “What if he or she stops working or they reduce their hours or income to try and get more alimony or to try and pay less alimony? What happens?”

These are fact-specific cases that require us to do an analysis, but alimony itself is based upon the marital standard of living. That marital standard of living is based upon everything that the couple did and earned. If at some point in time, either during divorce litigation or after litigation is over, a spouse voluntarily decides to reduce their hours or stops working or takes a job making less money, that decision is not going to give them a right to seek more alimony or to pay less alimony. Anytime a litigant makes a voluntary choice, a court is going to say, “You can do that, but I’m not going to give you the benefit of that choice, by either reducing the alimony obligation or increasing it for your benefit.” Again, the key here is fact-specific. Is it voluntary, somebody deciding not to work? If so, they’re not going to get the benefit of that decision by getting more alimony or paying less alimony.

If you have these kinds of questions about alimony, about work, about careers, about something your spouse may or may not have done to increase or decrease their ability to earn, please call us at Callagy Law. We can help you. We can answer your questions and we can work you through to solutions.

Alimony After A Finalized Divorce

Recently somebody asked, “What happens if I don’t ask for alimony as part of my divorce, but then I realize after the fact that I need it? What happens then?” Unfortunately, if you don’t bring it up as part of your divorce, and then your divorce is finalized, you’re not going to get alimony after the fact.

It’s very important that you have good counsel at the time of your divorce and that you explore all of your options and really think through what your financial circumstances are because these are going to be long-lasting decisions even after your divorce is finalized.

Please contact us if you have any questions or you want to explore any of these options. We’d be happy to talk through them with you.

Alimony Changing After Divorce

Recently, a client asked about the circumstances in which a judge might change an alimony award after a divorce. That’s going to be dependent on a number of things. First, you go to look to your marital settlement agreement to see what the specifics are. Often your agreement will spell out what a change could look like, in terms of the termination or the modification of alimony. Alimony is only for a term, so at the end of the term, that means that alimony is done.

Alimony could also terminate in the event of remarriage of the recipient spouse or sometimes co-habitation, depending on what that looks like. Also, if there’s a significant change in financial circumstances of really either party, that would also be an occasion for which it would be appropriate to either modify or terminate alimony.

If you’re looking at any of these situations or you want to learn more about what this means, please contact us. You can call us. You can email us. We’d be happy to chat with you further about it.

Automatically Entitled to Alimony or Spousal Support

A lot of times when support is an issue in a client’s case, particularly alimony, they’ll ask, “Am I automatically entitled to alimony?” The question is obviously fact-sensitive. We can never say that anybody is automatically entitled to alimony. We need to know what the circumstances of your case are. What are the incomes of both parties? What is the lifestyle of both parties? What are the earning abilities of both parties?

Alimony is not automatic. It’s based upon the specific facts of your case. If there’s a large disparity in income and you’ve been married for a long time, then alimony is likely. If their incomes are very close and you haven’t been married for a very long time, then alimony is not likely. It’s very fact-specific.

If you have questions like this, and if you’re not sure alimony is an aspect of your case and you want answers, please give us a call. We’re happy to help you.

Alimony or Spousal Support For Men

A lot of times, clients will come in for a consultation and alimony will be an issue in their case. Many times, men will ask, “Am I entitled to alimony from her?” The answer to that question is always fact-specific. Alimony is gender neutral. It doesn’t mean that a man always pays alimony and a woman always receives alimony. The law is neutral in that regard, and it’s going to be based upon the facts of your case – how much money you earn, how long you’ve been married, the kind of lifestyle you had, and a number of other factors that the court considers – not just whether it’s a man or a woman. If there is a man that is making significantly less money than his wife, and there’s a long-term marriage, then that man certainly has a claim and entitlement to alimony that would have to be considered in that case.

If you have questions about alimony or support, or any kind of matrimony or family law issues, please give us a call. We’d be happy to help you.

Former Spouse is Behind On Alimony Payments

A number of cases come to us where the potential client has an issue of alimony payments not being made. Their former spouse is way behind on their alimony and owes thousands and thousands of dollars in alimony, and they’re not getting any payments. What can they do? To put it simply, there are enforcement mechanisms in place. We would immediately go to court, let the judge know alimony is behind, he or she is not paying alimony, and we need to enforce that obligation. The party that is supposed to be paying alimony has an obligation to pay that, so the courts will look to enforce that.

There are a number of enforcement mechanisms, including garnishing wages. If they’re behind enough on the support payments, it can include suspension of their driver’s license or passports, executing on bank accounts, or forcing the sale of property to pay alimony. The courts take alimony and child support very seriously. Getting behind on either one of those support obligations, they take very seriously.

The first step is filing an application to enforce, and then looking for enforcement mechanisms to coerce the payments. It’s never punishment. We’re not punishing a party for not paying the support; we’re making coercive measures to force them to pay the obligations that they either were ordered to or agreed to pay.

If you have questions like this about alimony, about child support, or any family law related issues, please call our offices. We’d be happy to help.

Understanding Alimony in New Jersey

Alimony is spousal support. In many cases in New Jersey, the higher earning spouse will be obligated to pay the lower earning spouse alimony or spousal support. There are many factors involved in determining whether any case is an alimony case, including the ability to pay of the higher earning spouse, the needs of the lower earning spouse, and the standard of living of the marriage. Another huge factor in determining alimony is the length of the marriage. For instance, in marriages lasting less than 20 years, it is usually in a term alimony case and the alimony is paid for a number of years, or a term. In cases where the marriage is 20 years or more in duration, that is called open durational alimony, which is our version of permanent alimony, which can then be modified or terminated if there’s a change of circumstances, the biggest one of which is usually retirement. Alimony is a very complex area of the law, and it is very important that you know your rights, both if you’re the paying spouse or the receiving spouse, and that you consult with an attorney who knows exactly the ins and outs of the statutes and what arguments can be made to either receive or not pay or pay as little as possible alimony. Again, if you have any questions regarding spousal support or any other family law issues, please either email or call us and we will guide you through the process.

Ex-spouse Refusing to Pay the Court Ordered Alimony

We had a client call the other day and say that her ex-husband simply stopped making his alimony payments. She tried to reach out to him to see why and he basically said he didn’t think he had to pay alimony anymore. He didn’t want to pay alimony anymore, and came up with a bunch of reasons and said he wasn’t making any more alimony payments. This is totally unacceptable. Your alimony is your right to receive, pursuant to a court order or an agreement, and it is enforceable. If your spouse stops paying alimony or ex-spouse stops paying alimony, first and foremost, we would normally put them on notice that they’re in default and then if they don’t pay the arrears and then immediately start paying on time, we would go to court. If your alimony is not being paid through probation now via wage garnishment, for instance, we would insist on that happening in the future.

Either way, alimony is in order of the court or it’s in your property settlement agreement and it is your right to collect, and it is the ex-spouse’s obligation to pay, unless the ex-spouse goes to court and gets his obligation or her obligation modified, reduced, or eliminated, then it has to be complied with. There is no measure of self-help in New Jersey and taking matters into your own hands and stopping paying alimony is just not the right thing to do. If you’re a spouse who’s paying alimony and don’t think you should, you should consult an attorney and perhaps file an application to have your alimony reduced or terminated. If you’re a receiving spouse and you’re not receiving your alimony, then you absolutely have the right to go to court and enforce that order. If you have any questions whatsoever regarding the enforcement of alimony or the modification or termination of alimony, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or call us and we’ll guide you through the process.

Are you contemplating or in the process of divorce in New Jersey and have questions about these 15 alimony tips? Contact our experienced New Jersey Alimony Lawyers at Callagy Law today for a free consultation and case evaluation.

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