“Surprise Bill” Laws and the No Surprises Act—This Is Not the Your Appeal Process

Written by Thomas LaGreca

Surprise-Bill-Laws-and-the-No-Surprises-Act—This-Is-Not-the-Your-Appeal-ProcessMany medical providers continue to use their old appeal process for claims subject to either the state Surprise Bill Laws (SBL’s) or the federal No Surprises Act (NSA).  This is a grave mistake.  If you proceed this way, you will miss deadlines, which are extremely tight at the federal level and nearly as tight in most state processes.  The old appeal process is still applicable in some instances but understand where and when.  This article will help explain that.

The NSA creates an arbitration process for underpayments.  Although the law is not clear, the law is likely also to cover denials for billing or administrative reasons, as opposed to medical denials.  The law requires that objections to underpayments take place within 30 days of receiving the underpayment.  This objection letter then triggers a 30-day negotiation period, after which a medical provider has 4 business days to file the arbitration.  This is very different from pursuing internal and external appeals as set forth in health plans and insurance carrier appeal policies.  The NSA process is statutorily created and has nothing to do with the timelines set forth in health plans or instituted by carriers.  Those timelines typically afford the medical provider more than the 30-day or the 4-day timelines referred to above.

SBL’s are similar in their time requirements.  Many state laws, such as New Jersey, Ohio, Georgia, and Nevada have similar 30-day requirements for either objecting to the payment, negotiating a resolution or filing the arbitration.  Other states have 60-day or 90-day requirements.  None of them rely on the health plans or the carrier policies to set the time limits for seeking legal recourse.

If you treat the objections to payment under state SBL’s and the NSA as the business-as-usual appeal process, you will drop the ball.  It is true the appeal could serve as the objection letter under the statute if it is sent to the carrier within the relevant timelines, but if you treat these “appeals” in the same manner as the old appeals, deadlines will be missed and money lost.

There is an important exception to this general rule.  The NSA arbitration process does not apply to medical necessity denials.   As mentioned previously, the NSA arbitration process addresses underpayments, but not medical denials, which require a medical analysis rather than an analysis addressing the proper level of reimbursement.  This is consistent with state Surprise Bill Laws (SBL’s), which also, for the most part, do not address medical denials.  Denials in which the issue is the medical necessity of the treatment or the medical efficacy of the treatment are still to be appealed in the conventional manner.  Denials of intraoperative monitoring codes as “experimental/investigational” would fall into this category.  So, what governs a mix of the two, where some codes are underpaid and others are denied?

The best approach, I believe, is to analyze the claim on a case-by-case basis.  If smaller codes are denied for medical reasons and larger codes are underpaid, it makes sense to pursue the arbitration process only.  If the larger codes are denied and the smaller ones underpaid, it might make sense to appeal the medical denial, and then, when that is resolved and perhaps then underpaid, pursue the underpayment in the arbitration process. 

In any event, understand that when it comes to claims subject to these laws, that is, emergency and inadvertent out-of-network claims, the old appeal process only applies to medical denials.  The statutory processes with their very stringent timelines apply to the underpayments.