Divorce is Difficult But Don’t Settle

Divorce is difficult, but don’t settle just to get through the painless process. Let our lawyers fight for you and your rights. Call us today!

Vulnerable Assets in a Divorce

Divorce is Difficult But Don't SettleWhen clients come to consult with us, a lot of times when we deal with high net worth clients – which we deal with a lot – there will be separate homes: a marital home and as well as a vacation home or a timeshare or some other assets somewhere else. That is treated the same way as any other asset is. If you have a vacation home, a house at the shore, we’re going to value that house. We’re going to see if there’s equity in that house, and then we’re going to have to equitably distribute that house, just as would the marital home or a business or a car. There is no special consideration for a vacation home; it is an asset that was acquired during the marriage that we now have to equitably divide.

Are you going to lose your vacation home? It depends on what your goal is. Do you want to keep the vacation home? If so, we try and find a way for the client to keep the vacation home or we have to offset against other assets. If the client doesn’t really care about the vacation home, then we’re going to figure out a way to make sure that that client’s interest is bought out and they receive their fair share of the value of that vacation home. If neither party wants the vacation home, then it gets sold and the proceeds get divided up via equitable distribution like any other asset.

If you have any other questions about vacation homes or any other assets that may be subject to distribution in your case, please call us at Callagy Family Law and we’d be happy to help you. We’ll walk you through the process and help you achieve your goals.

How Divorce Affects Businesses

A lot of times when we have a client come into consult who is a business owner, a lot of their questions revolve around how we divide that business up, and not just value, but whether or not the spouse is going to have some kind of ongoing and continuing interest in that business post-divorce. That is by far the exception and not the rule. In fact, in all our years practicing, we have maybe seen one or two divorces where the spouses remained business owners post-divorce. When that situation has occurred, it is only because both parties have agreed to do that. Usually, the standard is that we value the business, we get a number on it, we figure out a way to give the non-owning spouse a dollar value for that person’s interest in the business, and then there is no further involvement in the non-owning business spouse with regard to the business operation post-divorce at all.

If you have any other concerns about a business, how the business is going to be handled in your divorce, how much your spouse is going to get out of the business, or if there’s going to be any future involvement in the business post-divorce, please call us at Callagy Law. We handle these issues on a routine basis. We’re very experienced matrimonial attorneys, and we can help you through that process.

Financial Benefit of Divorce Mediation

A lot of times when mediation is an option for us in a New Jersey divorce, clients will ask, “Is it really going to cost me less money to go to mediation?” The fact is, you’re paying your attorney and you’re either contributing or paying a hundred percent of the mediator’s fees. The mediators are lawyers, and they’re billing out their hourly rates. They’re usually lawyers with ten or more years’ experience, so you’re getting a very experienced matrimonial law attorney as a mediator, and you’re paying their hourly rate to be a mediator.

A lot of times when clients come to us and say, “Is this really going to be cost-efficient for me, rather than just going to court where I’m not paying a judge? I’m paying my lawyer, but I’m not paying the judge or anyone else to be there, so is a mediation really going to save me money?” The short answer is yes. Almost invariably, it will save you money. Even though you’re paying for your lawyer and a part of the mediator’s fees, the process is more efficient. You’re getting in to see a mediator more often, you can spend four or five hours in a mediation, rather than just getting thirty minutes with a judge ten times over the course of six months, and you can resolve your case in weeks or even days, rather than months or even years through litigation. Yes, you’re paying for mediator’s fees, but, ultimately, in the long run, it is much more efficient and oftentimes, if not all the time, more cost-effective.

If you have any other questions about mediation – the cost or concerns – please contact Callagy Law. We can help walk you through mediation and any other questions you have regarding the process.

Who Pays the Legal Fees for a Divorce

Many of our New Jersey divorce clients, especially those who are the supported spouse – the spouse who has earned either no money during the marriage or much less than the other spouse – ask if their spouse will be required or how we can require their spouse to pay their legal fees. It’s a little bit of a complicated question because it has a lot of layers. In many cases, cases are settled and, in that settlement process, we negotiate a counsel fee for our clients. If the case costs $10,000 to resolve, sometimes we’ll say we need $10,000 because we’re either owed that or we’re reimbursing that to the spouse that has less money, maybe even less assets but is in an inferior financial position.

A lot of times, however, people settle their case and they don’t agree on the counsel fee issue. The other side will say, “If I’m agreeing to settle, why would I pay your fees?” A lot of the counsel fees come via court orders. A court will assess a counsel fee application and look at a number of factors – there’s case law and there’s court rules on it – but, in general, the biggest factors are, number one, the good and bad faith positions advanced by the clients, and, number two, the financial ability of each spouse. If you have a spouse who has advanced nothing but good faith positions and has little or no earnings, and the monied spouse, as we say – the higher earning spouse – has advanced all bad faith positions, there’s a real good likelihood that we’ll be able to get a counsel fee in favor of our client.

If you have any questions about your divorce process, counsel feels, how counsel fees work, or if you’re in a divorce now and you feel like you’re owed counsel fees or should be making an application for counsel fees, please contact us to discuss these issues.

Going to Court for a Divorce

A lot of times when we are consulting with a client, one of the first questions they’ll ask is how often they need to go to court or if they need to go to court at all to get divorced. The short answer is yes. In most counties in the state of New Jersey, you will have to make at least one court appearance to get divorced. That court appearance is the 10 to 20-minute uncontested proceeding, where you will answer a series of questions, yes or no, that allow a judge to give you that judgment of divorce. That usually is at the end of the case. Hopefully you don’t have to make more court appearances than that, but that’s a whole other discussion that we can have at another time. In most counties, you would have to go to court to get divorced. That was the pre-pandemic standard.

Now, we’re in a different world. We obviously are not going to court. The judicial system has put into place virtual court proceedings where we can do things by telephone, by Zoom calls, and even by mail. We have done recent divorces where we’ve mailed in judgments of divorces, with certifications from clients and with answers to the questions that they needed to answer for the divorce, and then we’re getting the judgment of divorce back in the mail. It’s a much more efficient process, where somebody doesn’t have to go to court and spend that time and the attorney money to get the divorce, and that may be the wave of the future as the judicial system sees that this is more efficient. Pre-Covid, you absolutely had to go to court at least one time; post-Covid, we are not going to court right now.

If you have any other questions about your divorce, an uncontested divorce, or how many times you’re going to have to go to court, even in today’s circumstances, please give us a call at Callagy Law and speak to our family law department. We will be happy to walk you through this.

Choosing the Right Divorce Attorney

Choosing the right attorney for your New Jersey divorce case is absolutely imperative. Of course, you want someone with experience and knowledge, but you also want someone that you can talk to and who will listen to you and will focus on your issues. The right fit between client and attorney is unbelievably important. Some attorneys and clients, even good attorneys and some clients, aren’t the right fit. You definitely want to talk to the attorney. Get to know the attorney in the initial consultation. Ask them what they think about your case. Ask them how they’re going to help you. Ask them their strategies or their potential strategies.

Qualifications are very important, obviously. You don’t want to have your very important divorce case with all kinds of issues handled by someone who just dabbles in divorce. You want to make sure you have a qualified attorney, but you definitely want to make sure that there’s a fit, and that your attorney and you can communicate effectively, and that your attorney is going to listen to you and help you through the process.

Our attorneys here at Callagy Law are all experienced. All we focus on is matrimonial law. We have certified matrimonial attorneys, and we’ve been doing divorce cases our entire career. If you have any questions whatsoever and you want to make sure that you have the right fit, please call us. Please have a consultation with us, and choose for yourself, and make sure you have the right attorney.

Are you contemplating or in the process of divorce in New Jersey and have questions? Divorce is difficult, but don’t settle for less than what you deserve. Contact our experienced New Jersey business owner divorce attorneys at Callagy Law today for a free consultation and case evaluation.

We don’t just care about family law, we care about you.

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