How to Protect Your Assets in Your New Jersey Divorce

Even in the most amicable and friendly divorce, the process of ending a marriage can be a challenging and emotionally charged experience. There is no question that it is difficult to sever a relationship that you at one time believed would endure the rest of your life. Emotions are high, ranging from grief to anger. Some people just want the process over as quickly as possible. Others become spiteful, aggressive and combative.

Regardless of your spouse’s conduct and the reasons for your divorce, you should consider that the outcome of your divorce will impact the foundation for the rest of your life. It is imperative that you take the appropriate measures to protect your assets and yourself.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for one spouse to take on underhanded behavior either prior to or during the divorce process in an effort to “cheat” the other out of what may be rightfully theirs. For instance, as a divorce attorney, one common underhanded behavior I see is the intentional hiding of assets. If you suspect that your husband or wife has engaged in this sort of conduct, you should take the necessary steps to protect your assets in your New Jersey divorce.

Take These 2 Steps to Protect Your Assets

  1. Gather copies of your financial documents. Compile the tax returns filed during your marriage, including but not limited to all schedules, W2s, 1099s, etc. In addition to income tax returns, if you do not already have access to your bank accounts, investments retirement accounts and credit cards, you should ensure that you are afforded access to these accounts so that you can review your spouse’s activity. These documents will be essential in ascertaining income, as well as the flow of resources, and may be useful in aiding professionals in determining whether a spouse has somehow diverted income and assets to a hidden account.

    You will also utilize these documents in order to prepare for your financial future and for calculating spousal and/or child support, when appropriate. Even if you do not detect any wrongdoing within these accounts, reviewing these documents will be critical in determining a fair and equitable division of your marital estate in your divorce. The Court will require you and your spouse to exchange these documents as part of the divorce process, so you will be one step ahead.

  2. Once your divorce is underway, ensure that you demand all financial documents that you cannot access from your spouse. For instance, perhaps your spouse has assets that are in his/her name alone. Your spouse is required to disclose those assets and to provide you with the relevant statements so that you can understand how accounts were used and/or how debt may have been incurred during your marriage. Should you have difficulty in obtaining the required information from your spouse, a knowledgeable divorce attorney can use other strategies in order to obtain the relevant information for you through vehicles such as subpoenas and depositions. These vehicles are designed to help protect your assets. You want to know what has gone on with all marital assets and debt during your marriage so that you can achieve a fair and equitable distribution of the assets/debts in your divorce.

How to Find Money Your Spouse Has Hidden

How to file for a divorce in New Jersey PDFYou should also keep in mind that assets can be disguised in various ways. Most people think that a hidden asset in a divorce is a hidden bank account, such as an offshore bank account located in the Caribbean. Bank accounts are not the only place where a spouse might divert marital funds in an effort to hide money from you. Rather, a spouse might move money into the name of an account owned by someone else or a spouse may slowly withdraw funds in smaller amounts over time and deposit the monies into various places. A spouse may regularly make cash withdrawals that will be harder to trace down the road.

Recently, I had a case where a spouse opened credit cards, which were paid out of the parties’ joint account. It was not until the divorce was well underway that we discovered that the spouse had racked up hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt on these “secret credit cards,” all of which were used to pay for expenses outside of the marriage (including funding the lifestyle of the spouse’s girlfriend.) I worked tirelessly with my client to obtain all of the relevant financial documentation so that we were able to eventually trace and recover the funds wrongfully removed by her husband.

>> If you are concerned that your spouse is hiding assets in your New Jersey divorce, contact Callagy Law now.

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