What Should An Assignment of Benefits Form Include?

An assignment of benefits form (AOB) is a crucial document in the healthcare world. It is an agreement by which a patient transfers the rights or benefits under their insurance policy to a third-party – in this case, the medical professional who provides services. This way, the medical provider can file a claim and collect insurance payments. In the context of personal injury protection coverage, an AOB is a critical step in the reimbursement process.

Personal injury protection coverage, or PIP, is designed to cover medical expenses and lost wages incurred after an auto accident, regardless of who is at fault. In New Jersey, drivers are required to carry PIP. Now, let’s say there’s an accident: the driver sees a medical provider for treatment, and the provider bills the patient’s carrier. There is nothing that requires that the insurance carrier to pay the provider. 

This is why an assignment of benefits form is so important. It essentially removes the patient from the equation and puts the medical provider in their place as far as the insurance policy is concerned. This enables the provider to be paid directly. If you see PIP patients and want to be paid directly by the insurer (and avoid claim denials or complex legal situations later) you must get an AOB.

The AOB authorization creates a legal relationship between the provider and the insurance carrier. What should it include?

  1. Correct Business Entity

Fill out your business name correctly: it seems simple, but this can be a stumbling block to reimbursement. If your business name is Dr. Smith’s Chiropractic Care Center, you cannot substitute Dr. Smith’s, Smith’s Chiropractic, etc.  It must be Dr. Smith’s Chiropractic Care Center. If you have a FEIN number, use the name that is listed on your Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) form.

  1. “Irrevocable” 

It is important that you include this term to indicate that the patient cannot later revoke the assignment of benefits. This tells the court that the AOB is the only document determining standing, or the ability to bring a lawsuit on related matters.

  1. “Rights”

Another key term: the court sees benefits as payments. It does not necessarily give you the right to bring a lawsuit. Include language such as, “assigns the rights and benefits, including the right to bring suit…” 

  1. Benefit of Not Being Billed At This Time for Services

Essentially, this means that a provider gives up the right to collect payments at the time of service in exchange for the right to bring suit against the insurance company if they are not paid in full. Likewise, the patient gives up the right to bring suit, but they do not have to pay now. The wording will look like this: “In exchange for patient assigning the rights and benefits under their PIP insurance, Dr. Smith’s Chiropractic Care Center will allow patients to receive services without collecting payments at this time.”

  1. Patient Signature 

Yes, it’s basic, but make sure the assignment of benefits form is signed and dated by the patient! This renders the AOB, for all intents and purposes, null and void. It is not an executed contract. You would have to start the entire process again, which means waiting longer to be reimbursed for the claim. 

  1. Power of Attorney Clause

Including a power of attorney clause, which supports not only “the right of collecting payment” but also the provider’s ability to take legal action on behalf of the patients, is vital. At Callagy Law, we always argue this is inherent within the no-fault statute; however, there are carriers to argue against the right to arbitration when the language is not in the AOB.

As medical providers, it is critical that you receive proper – and timely – reimbursement for services rendered. The assignment of benefits form is one of the most important pieces in this puzzle. It is essential for an attorney to prepare, or at least review, your AOB and other admission paperwork to ensure that you are able to collect pursuant to your patients’ insurance benefits in whatever ways needed. 

Callagy Law can not only review these documents, but also ensure you are pursuing all recoverable bills to which you are eligible. If you have any questions, would like us to review your AOB form, or have issues collecting payment from insurance companies, please contact the Callagy Law team today.

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