Common Slip and Fall Injury Symptoms

The most important thing to do after you fall is to check yourself for injuries. A fall can break bones, cause a head injury, or cut you. Get up too soon and you could risk further injury or another fall. The most common slip and fall accidents are due to wet and uneven surfaces, but they’re not the only kind. Let’s investigate how common slips and falls are, and what slip and fall injury symptoms you should be careful to check.

How Common Are Slip and Fall Injuries?

Slip and fall injuries are actually very common. They’re the leading cause of nonfatal injuries for every age group except for ages 10 to 24.

About 5-percent of those who slip and fall will have a broken bone or fracture as a result. This is especially true for senior citizens, where slip and fall accidents account for 90-percent of fractured bones, and 95-percent of hip fractures.

Slip and Fall Injury Symptoms

  • Bruises: The most likely injury from a slip and fall accident is bruises. A hard impact or landing on something uneven is very likely to cause at least a bruise. A bruise can point to an even worse injury. Broken bones are usually accompanied by bruises, so you should get any and all bruises after a fall examined by a doctor.
  • Cuts: It’s very easy to cut yourself in a slip and fall accident. Anything sharp or penetrating can cause injuries ranging from superficial to life-threatening. Most cuts won’t be too serious, but if anything punctures or penetrates your skin deeply, you need emergency services immediately.
  • Sprains: Sprains are torn ligaments and they take some time to heal. This is because they need a lot of blood to heal, and ligaments don’t tend to receive very much. Sprains can be bad enough that they keep you from using an ankle or wrist for weeks. That can interfere with your daily life and your job if you rely on being mobile, typing, or other activities that use an ankle or wrist that’s debilitated.
  • Broken Joints: New York Jets quarterback Chad Pennington once famously reached out to stop a fall when he was hit. He ended up missing most of the season because doing so meant he dislocated and fractured a wrist. Now, that’s in an intense sport, but he was landing on turf that’s designed to absorb some of the impact. If you land on concrete or tile, it’s even easier to break a wrist or ankle.
  • Fractured Collarbone: If you fall in such a way that you land on your shoulder, you can fracture a collarbone. A fractured collarbone is extremely painful and debilitating, so your slip and fall injury symptoms should be quite apparent, but with proper medical attention your collarbone can heal quickly.
  • Knee Injuries: A knee injury could be something as straightforward as a strain or sprain. When it comes to knees, though, these things are never simple. You could fracture or dislocate your knee cap. Your ACL, MCL, or even your PCL could tear. These knee ligaments are crucial for regular movement without pain. They need to be treated immediately.
  • Fractured Tailbone: If you land straight on your butt, there’s a good chance that you’ll bruise or fracture your tailbone. This is an incredibly painful injury that makes it difficult to do just about anything. We don’t think about our tailbones much, but when they’re injured, it hurts to sit, stand, or sleep. Going to the bathroom becomes excruciating. You won’t be able to sit normally.
  • Fractured Hip: It’s possible to fracture your hip when you fall. This can damage your mobility permanently. Hip injuries are serious. In some cases, they can even threaten arteries and cause severe internal bleeding, bone death, or nerve damage. Unlike some of the injuries here, a hip injury will nearly always require a hospital stay for recovery. Do not try to dismiss a hip injury or delay treatment. Doing so can be fatal.
  • Head Injuries: It’s very easy to hit your head in a slip and fall accident. When our bodies stop, sometimes our heads keep on going. When your head strikes concrete, tile, or even a soft surface like grass, you can easily suffer a concussion or worse. These slip and fall injury symptoms could appear immediately, or they may take days to display in someone. If your head strikes anything in a fall, take your time getting up and get medical help. Someone who has traumatic brain injury (TBI) is no longer well qualified to make judgments about their own state of health. Their judgment may be inhibited, so this is a time for best practices. Sometimes minor head injuries will immediately make someone dizzy and give them a headache. Sometimes a severe one won’t show any signs until two days later. Any head impact means seeing a doctor, period.
  • Spinal Cord Injury: If you fall and land on your back, you can slip a disc or chip a vertebra. You may even risk permanent damage or paralysis. If you land on your back, see a doctor – even if it you don’t think your slip and fall injury symptoms are severe and you can still move everything. Some spinal cord injuries take time to appear and are not immediately obvious.

Questions to Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer | Personal Injury Questions | FREE Download | Callagy Law of New JerseyThe most common slip and fall accidents pose a range of potential injury symptoms. You’ll notice the theme repeated here is to see a doctor. It’s also important to contact an attorney who can gather evidence for you. Your slip and fall may not be your fault. It could be because a property owner allowed a dangerous condition to continue.

It’s your and your doctor’s job to take care of you. It’s your attorney’s job to protect your finances. Medical bills are expensive, and if someone else is at fault for a debilitating or painful injury, that financial burden rests with them. After you ensure medical treatment, contact your attorney. Don’t let someone at fault for your injury continue to harm you when you’re trying to heal.

Don’t just contact any attorney. Contact a slip and fall attorney at Callagy Law today.

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