Types of Personal Injury Cases

A personal injury claim involves seeking compensation for an accident that occurred. That accident is due to someone else’s negligence. What does this mean in the real world? There are many types of personal injury cases that cover a wide range of negligent behaviors. It’s valuable to know the most common New Jersey personal injury case examples:

6 Common Types of Personal Injury Cases

1. Motor Vehicle Accidents

Millions are injured every year in motor vehicle accidents. These can be violent, and often lead to loss of life, permanent disability, and disfigurement. New Jersey uses a “choice no-fault” car insurance system. The best way to understand this is that most policies have an option that limits your right to sue. Instead, personal injury protection (PIP) covers injuries regardless of who’s at fault.

This accelerates compensation for out-of-pocket expenses because insurance companies aren’t fighting over responsibility.

Where you are able to sue is if the accident leads to loss of a body part, significant disfigurement or scarring, a displaced fracture, loss of fetus, permanent injury, or death. Additionally, you’re also able to sue for non-economic damages such as pain and suffering or loss of quality of life.

2. Wrongful Death

A wrongful death suit derives from a death that resulted from someone’s neglect. These can happen when someone fails to do their job on the road, at a construction site, at a nursing home…this isn’t limited to any particular type of industry.

Anywhere that someone has a responsibility to keep others safe or a duty of care, and their failure to do it results in a death, that’s a wrongful death.

This is separate from other types of personal injury cases because a wrongful death suit enables you to recover damages that are different from those you can claim when someone is injured non-fatally. If the death is involved, medical malpractice can also be brought as a wrongful death suit:

3. Medical Malpractice

When hospitals and medical facilities get something wrong, it can cause a serious injury. Doctors and nurses can often be found responsible for negligence. These are the people you go to for care and to stay healthy, so when they cause injury instead of healing it, they need to be held accountable.

Medical malpractice covers a range of potential failures. These include misdiagnosis, surgical errors, prescription, medication, or pharmacy mistakes, bad treatments, and injurious errors during birth. In addition, a failure to diagnose a serious health condition can also see you compensated for your injury. After all, if that serious condition was diagnosed, it could have been treated earlier. When diagnoses for a condition like cancer are missed, you can risk the disease spreading.

Medical malpractice suits are notoriously tough – hospitals and medical facilities can afford very good lawyers. Make sure you have an experienced medical malpractice attorney at your disposal if you tackle one of these types of personal injury cases.

4. Premises Liability

If someone’s property contains dangerous elements that can cause accidents, you are able to sue them under what’s called premises liability. If you fall off a staircase because it has no handrail, that’s the fault of the property owner. It’s also the fault of the owner if there is a handrail but it’s badly maintained and gives way. There are many businesses that cut corners when it comes to safety elements, and thus put guests at risk of injury.

When an injury occurs as the result of a premises liability, document the liability as soon as you can. (Always take care of someone’s injury and protect their health first.) An image of the dangerous or defective element is evidence that it exists. The owner may replace that element before you can get back because they’re afraid of getting sued – then you have no visual proof that the dangerous element existed.

5. Products Liability

Products that are dangerous or defective can cause injury. This can take place anywhere you’re using the product. If the product lacks a complete enough warning label, that means someone can become injured using it. Similarly, if the operation of the product isn’t presented completely or clearly in the manual, someone can be held liable.

Who gets held liable in these cases? Everyone involved who was responsible for the product. From designer to manufacturer, and distributor to marketer to seller, there are many who may be liable. Which it is will vary by circumstance – sometimes a manufacturer hides a liability from the seller – who becomes a different type of victim. Alternately, sometimes the seller knows all about it and helps to cover it up.

Document any injury or health condition that arises as a result of using a dangerous or defective product.

6. Workers’ Compensation

Do I Have a Personal Injury Claim? | FREE Online Case Evaluation | Callagy Law of New JerseyA workplace accident can result in injury. Normally, someone files a claim and workers’ compensation insurance covers their expenses such as medical bills and lost wages. This helps the worker sustain themselves financially when the injury means they can’t otherwise work.

Sometimes, an employer will fire an employee, harass them, or reduce pay and hours as retaliation for filing a workers’ comp claim. If they fire the employee, the employee still gets workers’ comp, so they might try to complicate the issue in other ways, such as creating a cause for firing that’s false. In these cases, the employee can sue for compensation.

This requires proving the employer acted out of retaliation to and as a result of the employee filing a workers’ comp claim, so it’s vital to document any communications that evidence threats and harassment.

Remember This

There are many other New Jersey personal injury case examples. These are simply the most common types of personal injury cases. If you’re unsure about whether you need the help of a personal injury attorney, the simplest thing to do is to consult with one. They’re the experts and can help you understand your rights to compensation, as well as what you need to do to build a strong case together that gets you the compensation you’re owed. Contact the personal injury team at Callagy Law today.

1 thoughts on “Types of Personal Injury Cases

  1. Angela Waterford says:

    I never knew that filing a claim against defective or dangerous products could be categorized into personal injury cases. Maybe I should find a lawyer who can help me with this since I’ve complained against the makeup company already, but they didn’t hear me out. Last week, I bought an expensive makeup brand from a reliable store, and when I went to use it, I suddenly got rashes and red skin that I had to be rushed to the ER, and they asked me if the makeup I used had any ingredients that were dangerous for humans since they told me that I had been poisoned, so I thought that I should make my voice heard and make them recall their product.

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