What is New Jersey’s Codey Law?

Callagy Law: Business & Health Law Attorneys for Medical Professionals

In the State of New Jersey, like most states, the practice of medicine, whether a doctor, surgeon, chiropractor, or any specialist you can think of, is governed by both federal and state law.  Federal law often is implicated when you take or accept Medicare or Medicaid related insurance plans. When that happens, it does not matter what state you are practicing in – the laws of the federal government are going to control. If, however, you are taking private or even some state funded plans, than the New Jersey laws and regulations will govern you.

The “Stark law” is a federal law designed to limit a physician’s ability to refer patients to other facilities or centers in which that doctor has an ownership interest.  The main goal is to reduce the temptation of “over-treating” patients simply because it serves a practitioner’s financial interest.  There are many, many factors to consider when analyzing whether you have violated any of the provisions of the Stark law or related anti-kickback statutes.

Similar to the federal “Stark law” is the New Jersey “Codey law” that has undergone several transformations since its passage.  Most notably are the 2009 amendments to the law. This law, as many of you are already familiar with, limits the number of ambulatory surgical centers that can be licensed in the State of New Jersey, restricts the transfer of ownership interests, and created mandatory registration requirements.

Ambulatory Surgical Centers: This law specifically targeted the ambulatory surgical centers in this State by prohibiting a physician from referring patients to those centers if s/he held a “significant beneficial interest” in it, with several crucial exceptions.

Exceptions – Grandfathered practices

If the medical professional had a significant beneficial interest in the ambulatory surgical center prior to July 31, 1991, then they are essentially exempted from this prohibition. The exception can include immediate family members and other very limited types of relationships to the grandfathered practitioner.

With each passing year, this particular exception is becoming less and less meaningful to the practice of medicine.

Exceptions – Certain types of treatment:

The 2009 amendments carve out a fairly large exception for physicians who refer patients to ambulatory surgical centers in which they have a significant beneficial interest – so long as the requirements are strictly adhered to.

The prohibition on self-referrals shall not apply if the medical procedure is performed in their own medical office and they issue the bill for services, if the treatment is renal dialysis, and some ambulatory surgery performed under anesthesia.

Ambulatory surgery performed under anesthesia must meet several requirements for the exception to apply. First, the referring physician must perform the surgery. Second, the referring physician’s compensation in the facility is directly related to the proportion of ownership s/he has in that facility. Third, clinical decisions are made by the practitioner-owner and are in the best interest of the patient. Fourth, disclosure of the physician’s significant beneficial interest is made to the patient upon or prior to referral and is done in writing.

There are several other minor exceptions that are listed in the statute but the above covers the largest portion of physicians in this state.

This is a light discussion on the many, many issues that surround practitioner ownership of ambulatory surgical centers. If you are unsure of whether you may be impacted by the different regulations, please reach out to us to discuss your options.  Health law can be extremely nuanced and complicated, and your interests can be best served by a trusted advisor that is caring, urgent and aggressive.

Please feel free to contact me directly at tanderson@callagylaw.com or call (201) 293-3979.

In Your Service,

Trevor Anderson, Esq.

Attorney, Litigation