The Examined Life…

The Scroll Marked 8: “Today, I will multiply my value 100 fold.”


Once upon a time, there was a company that was a dominant industry leader. This company and its shareholders enjoyed tremendous profits.

Its leaders were brilliant people that, through hard work, discipline, and, at times, brilliance, had created a seemingly unshakeable position in a world of endless promise and potential.

No one could fault these talented people for feeling confident in the wisdom of their thoughts, decisions, and actions.

Simply put: this was a great American company that knew what it was doing and where it was headed. And, that was only up.

At the same time, a young man had an idea. He approached the juggernaut corporation.

The young man promised he had an amazing opportunity for this company. Little did they know that he did not have it yet.

One thing was very important to the young man: he did not want to sell it to them. He simply wanted to license it to the industry leader.

The executives concluded that while they would prefer to buy the solution it didn’t much matter. They knew the true value was in their products and not the young man’s solution. Thus, they agreed to the young man’s terms.

One other third party played a critical role in all of this. He was a genius working out of his garage. When the young man approached the genius, he bought the solution for the corporation. The genius was very happy to make what, to him, was a considerable amount of money.

Everyone was happy.

Two parties, the genius and the company full of brilliant executives and massive success, were oh so oblivious to all they had missed.

One party, the young man, was on his way to changing the world and becoming one of its wealthiest, in financial terms, inhabitants.

Once upon a time, two forward-thinking men had a wonderful new and unique idea for a restaurant. Shortly after the restaurant up, people began flocking to it and enjoying a number of its wonderful innovations.

These entrepreneurs took great pride in their very real discipline, relentless and exacting work ethic, and passion. For them, their creation and work was somehow like artistry.

Make no mistake though, they were also making “a lot” of money. Their innovations, crowds and financial success, understandably left them very certain that they knew what they were doing in the restaurant business.

Then, one day, an odd man who had led a life of big dreams and ideas, with little to show for it, came into the two men’s restaurant for lunch. Instantly, he was mesmerized and knew he needed to be a part of what the two men had created. Thus, filled with big dreams, the odd man began his pursuit of the “creators” of this brilliant business.

Over time, the creators agreed to work with the odd man. They were primarily focused on running their restaurant though. And, while they had tried to open other locations, they had met with very modest success. After all, they didn’t want to let the quality slip in their main restaurant.

Like the creators had seen the innovations inside the restaurant, the odd man saw many innovations in opening, controlling and financially succeeding at many restaurants.

Eventually, the odd man would own the entire business, except of course for the original restaurant. He would become a billionaire, many times over. Oh, and the odd man would eventually be known as the “Founder” of the world’s most successful restaurant and real estate business.

What are the morals to these stories?

1. One of our greatest challenges is our own ingrained patterns of thinking. Specifically, our opportunity is to realize the limitations and blocks our certainty, and love for, our own thinking creates.

Once we achieve some level of success, and every human being does in various ways, our confidence in our thinking grows. Our ego tells us that we are smart. However, this “yes” or “no” thinking is tremendously limiting and stifling. The question is NOT are we smart or not? Are we succeeding or not? Are we brilliant or not?

No! The question is where are we on the limitless scale of Mastery? What additional opportunities for innovation, optimization, and growth exist?

The more our success grows, the more our confidence deepens in our way of thinking. While confidence is good, it also can easily lead to “yes” or “no” thinking.

The two people that became billionaires in the stories above, at least in business and financial terms didn’t fall in love with their thinking and allow it to become “yes” or “no.” They were all about a much higher level of Mastery.

2. Despite all of the success and positive things our thinking has brought into our lives, only through challenging all of our thoughts, assumptions, perspectives, and actions can we create our greatest outcomes. Many of us have heard this. The key, though, is doing it regularly and consistently in some habitual, organized manner. Ideas are great in the world of personal growth and development. They are meaningless if they are not reduced to a Process that can be followed and made into a habit that becomes a part of us.

While a brilliant man once said, “the unexamined life is not worth living,” how do we do this in a balanced and healthy way without driving ourselves crazy?!

3. How do we go about the “Process” of examining our lives?

Well, first, it is critical to fall in love with “Process” and to shift any negative feelings we have about the word Process. That is a story for a different day, but remember we only follow through on what we like and love. So, if you have any negative associations to the word Process, then you must shift them or you will never make the Process of Examining Your Life a habit.

The 5 steps to “Examining Your Life” Regularly and Consistently to Achieve Your Greatest Results:

1. Divide your life into the areas that are important to you. They would likely include: health, finances, career, significant other relationships, spirituality, family and friend relationships, etc…

2. Ask yourself “what is my current level of happiness, success, and fulfillment, as I define it, in each area on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being absolute Mastery and perfection (hint: a 10 is not often found because there is always another level)?

3. Then ask yourself what three outcomes could I produce to grow this area to a 9 plus?

4. Then, ask yourself what you need to STOP doing, and/or shift in your thinking, as long as it is consistent with your values and moral structure, in each area to get the new growth, outcomes, joy and passion you want and deserve.

Ask each of these questions as if you are seeing everything for the very first time. Ask yourself these questions as if it wasn’t your life, your business, your relationship, your finances, or your whatever.

The challenge is to “disrupt the pattern” of your thoughts, feelings, and actions through this Process. To brainstorm anew without any limitations on your thinking and possibilities.

5. In the beginning, go through this Process of Examining Your Life once a week. Do this for 10 straight weeks to increase your comfort and skill. Then, do it once per month. The Process should take you a maximum of 90 minutes. Each quarter, give yourself a more extended session of 3 hours to go even deeper.

Bonus distinction: maintain your flexibility to shift into the most efficient ways to achieve your outcomes while realizing that some Processes may need more time because they are based on your skills growing to work more effectively (e.g., if you want to grow your business through public speaking, you may need to get better at both booking speaking engagements and actually speaking).


The “Examined Life” is one where we see everything anew in every part of our life and in a truly authentic way, with positive intentions and empathy for ourselves. We need to guard against our ego and defensiveness, as well as our “need to be right.”

If you own a business, this Process should come from a place of thinking like you just bought the business, and you are there to take it to another level, ten times what it is now, or more.

The best part of all of this is our choices. We don’t “have to” do anything that we come up with. We are free to choose to do it or not. However, all of this opens the door of far greater possibilities.

For my own credibility in sharing this Process, in 1997, I began to read an incredible book that was such an important part of my life’s journey. It was written by another brilliant innovator who also capitalized on challenging thinking to conquer and dominate an industry while helping millions. His work truly began my journey of “Examining my life.”

I was one hundred thousand dollars in debt, working for a law firm that felt so dark, limiting and negative to me and felt lost and alone.

Shortly thereafter, I quit my job, started my own law firm on my credit card, kept examining my life and thinking, and was able to buy a home and beach house within two years of opening that book.

I’m writing this from that same beach house. I didn’t become a billionaire. I did achieve many of my dreams. I have many more.

When I followed the Process, I achieved incredible success. When I did not follow it, I did not achieve success. Often, in fact, I got great pain.

I am incredibly thankful that while I own a very successful law firm, have 3 amazing children whose teams I’ve coached and have watched grow into amazing teens, I realize I’ve got so much opportunity for more in every area of my life. More growth, more love, and connection, more health and fitness, more business success, more contribution, more passion, more adventure, more fun, more, more, more and more.

And, I get to choose which “mores” I go after. I also get to change my mind and love the entire journey, even if sometimes I get frustrated for a short time, or even occasionally feel like disappearing from the world for a while.

As Willy Wonka said, “We are the music makers. We are the dreamers of the dreams…”

Oh, and as many of you may have guessed, the young man was Bill Gates. The company was IBM.

The “creators” were the McDonalds brothers. The “Founder” was Ray Kroc.

The book was Awaken the Giant Within. The author was Tony Robbins. He is the world’s greatest success coach based on every subjective and objective measurement. Period.

Always remember: IBM and the McDonalds brothers KNEW they were brilliant and successful. They failed to see, however, what was right in front of their eyes. Bill Gates and Ray Kroc saw it very clearly.

Now, I’m going to examine my life and my thinking. First, though, I’m going to jump in the ocean and catch some waves.

May your habits serve your dreams.

What’s your call for you?

In your service,
Sean R. Callagy

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