The Might of Many – Guest Speaker: Sean Callagy

Hello and Welcome!

This networking event looks to abridge the gap between many fields that primarily do cross paths but are hard to find referrals in. We look to create an open forum for all professionals to come and interact with like minded professionals and foster growth of communal relations within different emerging fields. We would like to create a network in which referrals are common and interactions between similarly situated professionals across multiple fields are easily accessible.

We would like you to come join us and share in our vision that networking events should encompass multiple industries and allow for attendees to leave with a broad range of new connections. We are looking for those individuals that are truly looking to make some lasting connections.

The pre-registration price is $10 per person. The registration price at the door will be $ 15 per person.

Tickets Available Via This Link:

1 thoughts on “The Might of Many – Guest Speaker: Sean Callagy

  1. Steven Brownstein MD says:

    Hi Sean, It has been a long time. How are you doing? We have to get together to discuss what we both have been up to. Steve

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