What Should Go Into a Non-solicitation Agreement

Questions about what should go into a non-solicitation agreement in your state? Check out this video and call us for a free consultation.


What should go into a non-solicitation agreement?


What Should Go Into a Non-solicitation Agreement You may be asking yourself what types of things should go into a non-solicitation agreement. It’s important that you figure out, first, what the outcome is that you’re trying to achieve. If the outcome of the non-solicitation clause is to prevent an employee, partner, or co-owner of the company from accessing your clients, vendors, or employees, then you have to identify each one of these classes specifically. Non-solicitation agreements can mean everything or it can mean none of those. Make sure that you’re identifying the categories of people and things you don’t want somebody else accessing for the purpose of competing with the business, ultimately. In addition, when it comes to non-solicitation, it is very important that you set both a geographic scope and a duration scope. What do I mean by that? If the non-solicitation agreement says, “If you sign this agreement, you’re not entitled to access any of our clients, any of our employees, any of our vendors, or any information inside the company, period, from the beginning of time to the end of time,” there’s a really good chance that non-solicitation agreement is not going to be enforced. What is being looked at when you’re enforcing one of these (referred to as a restrictive covenant) is you’re looking at the reasonableness to protect the business interest. The reasonableness component of it is to say, “Well, what about for a time period? Are we talking about a year? Are we talking about 90 days? Are we talking about five years? Are we talking about a month?” What is the time period, and what is reasonable for you to protect your business interests? Of course, everybody wants to say, “I want ten years. I want 50 years. I want 100 years,” but the more you start to get on the outside of that, the less likely a court is to find that time frame reasonable. You really want to think this through. What is the outcome? How long do you want to get into a position where an employee leaves and can no longer access your client, vendors or employees? You really want to set it to somewhere around a year or two because most courts will look at that and say that’s more than enough time for you to capitalize on the business advantage of having that information, having that employee, having those people. One or two years is probably the right time frame, in terms of duration, but you can set it out further if you can really support that. If you can’t support two years, then you really should go shorter. In addition, there’s a geographic limitation. What do I mean by that? If you decide to create a competing business in a completely different state. Let’s say the business that your non-solicitation agreement controls is for California, Arizona, and New Mexico and one of the former employees wants to create a business in New York. The former business doesn’t do business in New York and doesn’t really care if the person in New York reaches out to an employee, a client, something along those lines and says, “Hey, I’d like for you to come work with me. I’d like for you to do business. I run a competing business, but it’s all the way in New York. I know you have some business here.” In that scenario, it is very likely that a court may say, “Wait a second. If you set the geographic scope to the entire United States but your business only does business in California, Arizona and New Mexico, this is an unenforceable restrictive covenant because it’s unreasonable and doesn’t protect your business interest. Why would a business in New York somehow impact you adversely?” It’s really important for every non-solicitation agreement to include those three categories. You really have to be reasonable when it comes to setting the non-solicitation agreement, that you’re identifying the categories of business interests that you’re trying to protect, that you identify the geographic zone that it’s designed to protect and the duration for the non-solicitation agreement with the thought in mind of, “I need this time, this amount of space, and this category of people to protect my business interests reasonably without restricting other people from competing against me, but it’s got to be reasonable.” Always with that in mind, that is what should be included inside of a non-solicitation agreement. If you have any questions about this, you’re welcome to contact us at Callagy Law. We are here to answer this or any other question that you have.

Are you a business owner in New Jersey and have questions about what should go into a non-solicitation agreement? Contact our experienced New Jersey business law attorneys at Callagy Law today for a free consultation and case evaluation.

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