Medical Revenue Recovery Attorneys / Surprise Medical Billing Start Date

Surprise Medical Billing Start Date

Are you unsure about the surprise medical billing start date? Check out this video for guidance, then call our New Jersey attorneys today.


When does the medical surprise bill take affect, and what about claims between now and then?


Surprise Medical Billing Start Date A lot of our medical provider clients are very concerned about the federal law coming down the pike. The federal Surprise Bill law takes effect January 1, 2022. That federal law is going to apply to what are today federally regulated health plans, and it will also apply to state regulated health plans only in the states that don’t have their own Surprise Medical Bill law. In terms of New Jersey and New York, both of whom have Surprise Bill laws – as does Florida, Texas, Colorado, a number of states – those laws will not be impacted by the federal law. The states that do not have their own Surprise Bill law, those states will be impacted in a big way because all of the plans will then be governed by the Surprise Bill law.

Up until January 2022, in states like New York and New Jersey that have a Surprise Bill law, the status quo is the healthcare plans that fall outside of state regulation are still going to control the reimbursement to the medical industry. It’s only the state regulated plans that are affected by the state Surprise Bill laws. When the federal law comes, there will be an umbrella application, but the state regulated plans that are in effect in states that have Surprise Bill laws will not be impacted by the federal law.

We’re happy to answer any more questions you might have about this. Let’s get ready for this federal arbitration process. Give us a call at Callagy Law over in Paramus. Thank you very much.

Do you have questions about surprise medical billing start date? Contact experienced New Jersey Medical Revenue Recovery Attorneys at Callagy Law today for a free legal consultation and case evaluation.

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