PIP Medical Revenue Recovery Case Timeline
Check out this video about the PIP medical revenue recovery case timeline. Then call Callagy Law for a free legal consultation.Question:
How long will it take to resolve my PIP medical revenue recovery case?
To answer this question, it’s important to understand the process of handling and resolving a PIP claim. In New Jersey, we have mandatory arbitration and Forthright is the administrating body. The first step in filing for arbitration with Forthright, like a prerequisite, is to make sure the appeal requirements are met. It’s very important as our medical provider clients that you do any appeals needed on your end, which is as followed.
Let’s say you’re a treating doctor and you request the carrier to pre-certify your surgery. You do your pre-certification request. You send it to the right number. Everything is proper. The carrier writes back and says, no, we don’t approve this surgery. We don’t think it’s medically necessary. What is imperative at this point is that you file a timely pre-service appeal. Basically, the rule here is that the carrier’s decision point review plan governs everything, but DOBI, the Department of Banking and Insurance, our governing body, also has a regulation on appeals. It states that the provider must do pre-service appeals no later than 30 days of receiving the denial. We advise our clients to do a pre-service appeal immediately. Just don’t wait. Then the carrier will get 14 days to respond.
Let’s say you’re the treating doctor, you pre-certified the surgery. It was denied. You did the pre-service appeal. Many other files are a little bit different. Perhaps you are not a treating provider. You’re not a treating doctor so you did not do a pre-certification. Your first denial from the carrier will be from the explanation of benefits, the EOB. You sent out a bill. They give you an EOB and they deny it. At that point, we want to make sure our post-service appeal is done, which is also required by the DOBI regulation on appeals. Now, here Callagy Law will do your post-service appeals without additional charge and we encourage you to take advantage of this wonderful service. Basically, what happens here is we’ll have the documents we need for arbitration, the bill, the EOB, we’ll do a post-service appeal. We have to wait 45 days but then we can file for arbitration. Here we are in a timeline where the denial is right for arbitration and we can file with Forthright.
What happens now? Initially, there was a 45-day period in which Forthright does not assign a hearing yet. This is an excellent period because many of the claims settle. We love settlements. Our clients love settlements. It’s a win-win. We are happy to report we do very well with settlements. Settlement equals quick resolution and that’s what we always strive for. Then we have the files that don’t settle. Forthright will assign a hearing 45 days after we file. Then the hearing date will not be sooner than 45 days. Let’s say the hearing date is two months after that period. We’ll have the hearing. Some hearings might have to be postponed for additional support to increase the chance of success but we strive very hard not to postpone here because we know everybody needs money immediately, especially during these uncertain times. We go forward as expeditiously as possible. The arbitration then gets 45 days to issue an award and that’s when the claim is settled. In essence, that’s the process for resolution of a PIP claim. If you have any questions, please contact Callagy Law at any time. We’re always here to help.
Have you been grossly underpaid by the insurance companies as a medical provider and have questions about PIP medical revenue recovery case timeline? Contact an experienced medical revenue recovery attorney at Callagy Law today for a free consultation and case evaluation. Let us help you fight for your rights. Like Us on Facebook