Medical Revenue Recovery Attorneys / New York PIP Limitations on Arbitration

New York PIP Limitations on Arbitration

Do you know about the New York PIP limitations on arbitration? Watch this video for guidance, then call our healthcare lawyers to get started.


What are the limitations on arbitration for New York PIP?


New York PIP Limitations on Arbitration Many of our New Jersey medical providers have asked about New York PIP, which has led us not only to do New York PIP arbitration for our New Jersey providers, but also New York PIP arbitration for New York providers. One of the things they always ask is when they learn the benefit has a six-year statute of limitations, what are some of the limitations that exist even if you’re within that six-year limit?

The primary limitation is if the policy has exhausted. A PIP policy exhausting is a lot like having a bank account with no money in it. You can go to the carrier and say, “Hey, you should pay this bill,” and the carrier will say, “Fine, if there was any money in the policy, I would pay it, but there’s no money in the policy.” That’s probably one of the primary reasons where you can’t do anything as recourse in PIP arbitration if that’s the reason for the denial. Another reason is a 45-day billing requirement. Not only must a policy not be exhausted, but the provider needs to bill for that service within 45 days. If they don’t do that, they’re probably going to be out of luck, unless there’s some legitimate reason for missing the 45-day deadline.

Those are probably the two primary reasons why PIP arbitration won’t work in New York, but absent those two things, you really should be in the PIP space in arbitration in New York. Thank you. We’re Callagy Law. Give us a call.

Do you have questions about New York PIP limitations on arbitration? Contact experienced Medical Revenue Recovery Attorneys at Callagy Law today for a free legal consultation and case evaluation.

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