Medical Revenue Recovery Attorneys / Medical Care for PIP Patients

Medical Care for PIP Patients

Are you wondering if providing medical care for PIP patients is worth it with the new appeal? Watch this video for guidance.


With the new appeal changes, does it still make sense to do PIP patients as a medical provider in New Jersey?


Medical Care for PIP Patients A client called last week and asked, “Should I treat PIP patients in the state of New Jersey anymore? I understand these appeal requirements are impossible to follow. How will I ever get paid?” We assured the provider PIP in New Jersey is very much so alive and well, but he was correct that the appeal requirements of DOBI are very, very serious. Here is a little background first.

It feels like a long time ago, April 17 of 2017, DOBI finally unified or made uniform appeal requirements, and we were all very happy, especially on the provider side because we thought, “Wonderful, there will be uniformity. We’ll know exactly what is expected of us, and the carriers will no longer be able to raise internal appeal as a defense.” Well, the story isn’t really going in that direction.

Here we are today, in 2021, and we’ve learned a lot. The appeal issues have been arbitrated many, many times. Number one, what are the appeal requirements? DOBI has two different types of appeal requirements. The first is the pre-service appeal. This is where we need the providers to be very well-versed because this is something our providers must do, and you’ll understand why. Our providers, treating doctors, surgeons, chiropractors, physical therapists do pre-certification request, and the carrier gets the request and sends back a reply. Let’s say the surgery is denied. The provider must file a timely pre-service appeal. Obviously, this is something we need the providers to do, and we implore all our providers to really pay attention to all mail, all faxes, everything you get from the PIP carriers. Our surgeon gets the pre-certification denial.

At that point, that denial must be appealed. You must do a timely pre-service appeal. We always look at the carrier’s decision point review plans because, as I’m sure you know, there are a lot of requirements in those documents. As far as the governing DOBI regulation, the pre-service appeal must be done within 30 days of receipt of the denial. Our advice is to do it promptly because if it’s not timely, you could have a problem.

The other type of appeal is a post-service appeal. That means the treatment was already rendered. Callagy offers this service free of charge to our providers, and we’re happy to do this. Here’s a few things we need to know. What DOBI has said is we do the post-service appeal on the mandatory form – there’s mandatory forms for both types of appeals – and then you must wait 45 days before filing for arbitration. That’s no problem. Of course, there’s always a wrinkle, and a couple of carriers have seen fit to put in their decision point review plans requirements that you do a post-service appeal within x number of days of an adverse determination, which is usually the explanation of benefits, or the EOB. We have arguments to count against that, but our strongest advice is please don’t delay. We want to keep things moving promptly. Let’s just get it moving. The best way to overcome any argument about time limits of appeal is to not give them any fodder to give them that defense, to give them that argument. We like to get things moving. Send things in promptly and we will move the process along.

The appeals process, no doubt, can be challenging. The good news about appeals, however, is that they’re very substantive and we do have providers pay more often on appeals these days. That’s what it’s all about – getting money for you. Please call Callagy Law anytime. We’re happy to help.

Do you have questions about medical care for PIP patients? Contact experienced New Jersey Medical Revenue Recovery Attorneys at Callagy Law today for a free legal consultation and case evaluation.

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