Medical Revenue Recovery Attorneys / How PIP Medical Revenue Recovery Works

How PIP Medical Revenue Recovery Works

Watch this video about how PIP medical revenue recovery works. Then call Callagy Law for a free legal consultation.


How does PIP medical revenue recovery work?


How PIP Medical Revenue Recovery Works The PIP recovery system can be complex, especially for our providers who have never arbitrated before. The PIP process starts with a denial from the PIP carrier. Denial can come in different forms. One way is if you’re a treating doctor and you seek pre-certification of treatment and the PIP carrier says, no, we don’t think the treatment is warranted. That pre-certification response is a denial and that denial must be appealed in what’s called a pre-service appeal. The appeal is very important to our chances of success. We must all know the requirements and take them very seriously and adhere to them. We advise our clients to do an appeal immediately. Basically, as soon as you get the denial, do the appeal. We want to make sure you’re timely, because if you’re not timely, it can be a big problem in our chances to succeed in arbitration. There is a regulation by the Department of Banking and Insurance (DOBI) which basically says you must do the pre-service appeal no more than 30 days after the denial. We suggest that you just do your appeal right away. The other type of appeal is a post-service appeal which means the treatment was already rendered. You provide a bill to the carrier. The carrier there provides an EOB, or an explanation of benefit, and let’s say they deny the treatment or they partially deny it. That’s a denial and we will do a post-service appeal there. Basically, once the appeal process is complied with, our claim will be ripe and we can file for arbitration. Once we file for arbitration, there is a 45-day period by the administrative body Forthright. During that period, many claims settle. We take settlements very seriously at Callagy Law. We have a full-time settler and we will continue to settle as often and as quickly as we can. If the claim doesn’t settle, a hearing will be assigned. We do our best to garner all the support we need. At this point, we really encourage our providers to have excellent contemporaneous medical records to show all of the patient symptoms, all of the analysis as to why the doctor recommended the treatment, that type of thing. It’s very helpful. We may ask for a rebuttal. We may have a doctor testify. We may even have the patient testify. We have to look at the file and see what is the best chance of success. We have the hearing and then the arbitrator has to issue an award within 45 days of when the hearing is closed. That’s basically the process. As far as Callagy Law goes, we have an internal team that is dedicated to each station of the process. We have a fee scheduling team. Then we have an appeal team and our filing team. We also have paralegals and PIP attorneys for the hearing and settling is through every stage basically. We’re here at Callagy Law to help at any time. Please call us. We’d love to help you.

Have you been grossly underpaid by the insurance companies as a medical provider and have questions about how PIP medical revenue recovery works? Contact an experienced medical revenue recovery attorney at Callagy Law today for a free consultation and case evaluation. Let us help you fight for your rights.

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