Medical Revenue Recovery Attorneys / How Callagy Law Can Help With Your Medical Revenue Recovery Case

How Callagy Law Can Help With Your Medical Revenue Recovery Case

Watch this video about how Callagy Law can help with your medical revenue recovery case. Then call Callagy Law for a free legal consultation.


What system does Callagy Law have in place for medical revenue recovery clients?


How Callagy Law Can Help With Your Medical Revenue Recovery Case A prospective client asked the other day what system we have in place at Callagy Law for our medical revenue recovery clients. We actually have an amazing system, with skilled team members. For one, we have a group that is called trusted advisors, which is a select group of our employees that go to the provider’s offices – whether it’s the doctors, the hospitals, the medical offices – and meet with them and help them look through all of their EOBs and their billings. This team helps them pull the correct files and answers any questions, and it could be done as often or as little as possible. It’s all up to the provider, and it’s up to our client how many times they want the trusted advisors to visit them and help them with everything. We also have our group of attorneys who help with taking the cases through the litigation process and negotiating claims with the opposing counsel or with the insurance companies directly, if they are not represented by counsel. We also have our group of paralegals and our other employees that help file all of the claims and just bring the entire thing through the whole process. If you have any questions about the medical revenue recovery system we have at Callagy Law, please feel free to call our office and we’d be more than happy to explain it to you and help you out.

Have you been grossly underpaid by the insurance companies as a medical provider and have questions about how Callagy Law can help with your medical revenue recovery case? Contact an experienced medical revenue recovery attorney at Callagy Law today for a free consultation and case evaluation. Let us help you fight for your rights.

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