Differences Between Arbitration and Mediation

Are you wondering about the differences between arbitration and mediation? Watch this video, then call our New Jersey lawyers to get started.


What’s the difference between arbitration and mediation?


Differences Between Arbitration and Mediation One of the questions that we get asked most often from clients who are in arbitration or mediation is what is arbitration, what is mediation, and what the heck is the difference between the two? Back about 50 or 60 years ago, there were attorneys and retired judges who decided that we’re going to come up with something called an alternative dispute resolution that is going to be different than lawsuits, different than hearing your cases in the court system with the judge, and we’re going to have, hopefully, a different system that is going to resolve disputes, hopefully a little bit quicker and hopefully a little bit cheaper.

The main difference between arbitration and mediation is that one is binding, and one is not. What does binding mean? Imagine that a judge renders a decision. Let’s say it’s a contract dispute between two parties and the judge rules that party A has been damaged to $100,000 and party B owes him money. You now have a judgement. Now that you have a judgement, you can do a whole bunch of things with that. You could garnish wages, cease assets, if you’ve ever been watching TV and a sheriff raids a house and takes property belonging to a judgement deter, that is the power of a judgement. In these different alternative dispute resolution mechanisms between arbitration and mediation, the same thing happens if an arbitrator renders a decision. It is binding. It can be converted into a judgement. Once it’s converted into a judgement it has the power to do a lot of things to make sure that judgement has been satisfied. $100,000, let’s say, John Smith owes, then John Smith may have his car repossessed, house sold, garnishing his wages if he works at a local grocery store, until that $100,000 is satisfied.

Very different than both the court system and arbitration is a mediation. Mediation has very much the same process as arbitration. There is going to be some person who’s rendering a decision about dispute. It could be an attorney. It could be a retired judge. An arbitrator and a mediator could be anyone. Most of the time it is usually a retired judge. In mediation, that person could render a decision, but it is non-binding. You can’t convert into a judgement. You can’t go garnish wages. You can’t go repossess cars and things like that.

Then you’re probably thinking, well, then, why would anyone go to mediation? One of the most useful things in mediation is just sometimes getting the parties in a room together. The two parties have had a dispute. They probably have some aggression, maybe even hatred towards each other, but a lot of the times, if people just get in the room together and there’s some neutral body hearing both sides, understanding them, really listening to their basic human needs, that person can then render a decision. Usually, as long as those two people have been heard, they’re going to either abide by that decision, even though it’s not binding, or at least now they’re in the room together, they can negotiate, they can talk. Maybe this entire dispute was a big miscommunication and they can get to a resolution and they can move on with their lives.

These are the main differences between arbitration and mediation. If you have any more questions about the differences between the two or have been served with arbitration, feel free to call us right away. We’ll be happy to answer your questions.

Do you have questions about the differences between arbitration and mediation? Contact experienced New Jersey Business Litigation Lawyers at Callagy Law today for a free consultation and case evaluation.

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