I Want Out of My Business Partnership: But How?

A business partnership is like a marriage: it requires trust, mutual respect, work, and conscientious effort to make it work. And like marriage, there is a remarkably high “divorce” rate. About 60 percent of business partnerships break up, and for much the same reasons. Pressure. Financial stresses. Mistrust. Tension. Unbalanced share of responsibilities. Disagreements on the direction of the relationship – and, quite often, simply because individuals want and need different things now. When contemplating how to get out of a bad business partnership without an agreement, first decide if there are other ways to exit the partnership, such as buying the other partner’s stake in the company or changing how the partnership is weighted (wherein you assume a majority share while your partner takes a backseat without having to go through dissolution).

Long story short, leaving a partnership without an agreement can be challenging. How do you proceed if you are sure you want out?

Go Amicably, If You Can

As mentioned, sometimes partnerships dissolve because individuals have different needs. Personal reasons (e.g., illness, retirement, etc.) can be at the core of the issue. If the breakup is uncontested, it is possible to work out an amicable agreement so you can part ways on good terms. 

To start this process, review company documents and determine if there is language around partnership dissolution. You will also want to fully understand the business’s assets and liabilities and come to an agreement about dividing them equitably. 

You will also need to remove yourself from business documents, such as partnership agreements, leases, and contracts. You cannot just say, “Hey, I’m out!” and call it good: it needs to be official and properly documented in order to remove your liability while keeping the loans, leases, and contracts in place. It’s optimal if contracts simply release you from obligations, but you may have to set up an escrow account from which obligations will be paid.

Our experienced corporate attorneys can guide you through the process and prepare a separation agreement. This will cover issues like removing you from obligatory documents, distributing assets and liabilities, release from future lawsuits or negative judgments, methods for debt repayment, right to audit the books, and terms of the other party’s obligations to you. 

You must also file a certificate of dissolution with the New Jersey Department of the Treasury, Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services. We will walk you through this and make sure you take this step when ready.

When you can go into the dissolution process amicably, it does streamline the process and remove much of the stress. However, that is not always possible. Contested departures are much more complex – and they can be incredibly contentious. 

How to Get Out of a Bad Business Partnership

If there is tension in the partnership and you do not have an existing separation agreement, life can get complicated quickly. You must comply with New Jersey statutes – to the letter – to legally exit a partnership. If it is not possible to reach an agreement, contact Callagy Law immediately. We prefer to attempt mediation and negotiations to get you the results you need sooner and at less cost. However, if this is not feasible, we are prepared to turn to litigation to protect your rights, assets, and good name.

Leaving a partnership without an agreement can be challenging. We are here to guide you through the process and help you take the next steps in your career/future. Get in touch with our team today.

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