How Do I Prepare for a Deposition?

Whether you are a party in a lawsuit or just a witness, the idea that you might have to sit in a room for a deposition and answer questions for hours can be very frightening and extremely stressful. Would it surprise you to hear that you can master that fear and reduce that stress? With the proper tools, you can do more than just survive a deposition. You can make a truly empowering experience that allows you to create a record of the truth.

There are five key concepts that can help you thrive in any deposition and significantly reduce your stress level. Who knows? You may even have fun!

1. You Have All the Power in a Deposition

You probably don’t realize it, but, when you are being deposed, you have the most power in the room. Everyone else in the room is there to hear what you have to say, and they have to wait for you to answer their questions. This means that you control the speed and pace of the deposition.

There is no reason why you have to answer questions in rapid fire form. In fact, you shouldn’t. Some attorneys use rapid questions as a way to trip up a witness. But when you remember that the attorney cannot ask another question until you have answered the pending question, you will realize that you are in control of the speed of the questions and the pace of the deposition. You can pause and take your time to consider your answer. Everyone else can and will wait for you. If they try to speed you along, you can remind them that you are taking this process very seriously and are trying to make sure you answer fully and truthfully. No one can argue with that.

Also, if you need to take a break, take a break. The only time you can be stopped from taking a break is if there is a question pending – that is, if a question has been asked but you haven’t answered yet. Otherwise, don’t be afraid to take a break.

2. Truth Is Your Greatest Weapon

A lot of people who sit through a deposition feel like they are under the gun, being carefully scrutinized, and that every word they say is going to be picked apart. They are right. So how do you turn this sense of uncertainty and anxiety into a strength? You tell the truth.

Truth telling is the whole purpose of a deposition. It is the opportunity to hear from a witness on the record and under oath. That witness need have nothing to fear if they stick to the truth. The only people who “get in trouble” in depositions are those who are trying to tell a lie. You and I both know how to sniff out a liar. We can feel it when someone is trying to lie to us, to get away with something. Someone who is speaking truth has no fear of what that truth might say. Certainly, some truths might be better for one person’s case than another, but that does not mean that truth should be avoided or skewed. If you are sitting for your deposition, tell the truth and nothing else.

3. Answer Only the Question You Are Asked

One might think that you don’t need to be told to only answer the question asked and offer nothing more, but this is one of the biggest problems for a witness in a deposition. Why? Because a deposition has the appearances of being a conversation and in conversation, we offer information. Humans are social creatures. We anticipate what other people are going to say, interject our own thoughts and opinions, speak at the same time, and somehow understand what each other are trying to say. Depositions are not conversations. They are examinations, and there are three reasons why we need to treat them differently.

  1. A deposition is not your opportunity to tell your story or your perspective. It is the time for the person asking the questions to inquire about information he/she wants to know. While you control how you answer, they get to choose what they want to hear about. Answer their questions and only their questions. Your time to tell your side will come at a different time.
  2. If the deposition is being taken by an adversary, don’t offer information that they might want. Make them work for it. Make them do their job. Why offer information that they may not even ask you about? Just let them control the subject matter. They might miss something that is important for your case, but you will have a chance to bring that up on your own later.
  3. Depositions are being recorded, usually by a court reporter, and the record of what is said needs to be clear. Always let the question asker finish before jumping in. This is unnatural and not how we converse, but conversation is difficult to transcribe when multiple people are speaking. Wait for the question. Let the question be asked completely before speaking. Then respond to the question and only the question. This will create a better record and avoid potential missteps in offering information that causes confusion or harms your case.

4. It Is OK if You Don’t Know an Answer

If you don’t know the answer to a question, don’t panic or think that this hurts you, your credibility, or your case. It is ok to not know the answer to every question. Again, we are human. We don’t remember everything. There might be a document that refreshes your memory or you may simply have never had that information in the first place. That is ok.

If you don’t know an answer, acknowledge that. “I don’t know” and “I don’t recall” are perfectly acceptable answers. They may not feel good in the moment, but that is only because you have convinced yourself that you are supposed to know the answer to every question. Accept that you are human and don’t sweat it you can’t remember something. If it comes to you later, you can address it then.

5. Prepare Before the Deposition

If you have a chance to prepare before the deposition (and you almost always will), make use of it. Speak with your attorney. Talk about what is likely going to be discussed in the deposition, what the issues are, and be open about any concerns or stress you feel about the process. Give your attorney a chance to work with you so you will be comfortable. It is time well spent.