Being Fired For a Workers’ Compensation Claim
Watch this video about being fired for a workers’ compensation claim in New Jersey. Then call Callagy Law for a free legal consultation.Question:
Can I be fired or lose my health insurance if I file a workers’ compensation claim?
A client recently asked us, “I got hurt on the job. I sustained a workplace injury. Can the employer fire me, especially if I file a claim petition or seek authorized treatment?” That’s a complicated question. For the most part, based on New Jersey law, an employer is required to step in the shoes of the medical provider and get that treatment authorized to you as long as you were injured during the course of your employment and the injury arose out of your employment. That’s a standard you should definitely speak to a lawyer about.
As long as it’s under the scope of employment, the employer is obligated to provide you with care. That’s usually done through their workers’ compensation carrier, which pays for the medical bills. That’s the law in New Jersey, but it can be very fact-specific and change on a case-by-case basis. Best thing to do is speak to an attorney. You can come to our office at Callagy Law for a free consultation. If there’s anything that we can do for you, if you have a workers’ compensation case or any other personal injury case, feel free to reach out to us to discuss it in greater detail.
Were you injured on the job in New Jersey and have questions about being fired for a workers’ compensation claim? Contact an experienced workers’ compensation attorney at Callagy Law today for a free consultation and case evaluation. We can help get your life back on track. Like Us on Facebook