Peer reviews are one of the most common tools that carriers use to deny medically necessary care. There are doctors who spend their whole day, every day, writing peer reviews. There are prolific reviewers who can easily exceed 50 peer reviews in a single day. If you treat No-Fault patients, you are very likely to encounter peer reviews. Fortunately, with some good preventative and curative habits, many claims can be paid by challenging the review in a legal setting.
Due to the epic volume at which peer reviews are produced, some reports are obviously deficient on their face. In arbitration or litigation, attorney can simply point out a glaring flaw in a peer review and the a claim can get paid. Many peer reviews, perhaps somewhat more than 50%, do meet the minimum standards, and may require some collaboration between an attorney and a provider.
Generally, peer reviews have to explain three points:
- What is the standard of care for the treatment?
- Was the standard followed? If so, how?
- If the standard was not followed, what facts and medical reasoning justified a deviation from the standard?
If a peer review does not answer all three of these questions, as applicable, then it will not sustain the carrier’s denial and the claim will be usually be found payable. Sometimes, for example, peer reviewers will fail to cite to any publication at all to define the standard of care, instead relying solely on their own experience. This is insufficient because it means the reviewer is only offering their personal opinion instead of explaining standards in the medical community. As an example, one prolific peer reviewed habitually claims that epidural steroid injections are not shown to be an effective treatment, ever.
However, even peer reviews that do answer all three questions are sometimes still deficient. Peer reviewers love to cherry pick evidence that leads to an insurance company’s preferred outcome that treatment is not medically necessary. For example, we have seen many reports that conclude a single instance of negative Spurling test is evidence that a patient’s treatment for radicalur pain was not medically necessary, even when subsequent evaluations and EMG testing confirm radicular pain. Obviously, the clinical history here would suggest that the patient’s condition is getting worse, but peer reviewers are under pressure to deny care, they may portray evidence in ways that are dubious at best.
Finally, even if a peer review answers all three questions without using a dubious analytic tactic, the treating physician’s opinion will usually prevail. As an example, peer reviewers often find that facet joint injections are not medically necessary due to lack of evidence of facet-mediated pa – notwithstanding the diagnostic challenge of confirming the facet joint as the cause of pain. If the treating physician disagrees and has good clinical and narrative evidence pointing to the facet joint as the origin of the patient’s pain, many arbitrators and judges will find in favor of the treating physician. A written rebuttal that explains the treating provider analysis of the medical evidence can be especially effective. Rebuttals do not necessarily need to be long or time consuming. In our experience, arbitration and litigation forums struggle to handle a high volume of cases, so a brief, succinct review can often overpower a peer review that drags on for 10 or 15 pages – or longer. One arbitrator has told us that many of the best peer reviews, in their opinion, are only two to three paragraphs, and they succeed by directly addressing the core questions for review – define the standard of care, apply that standard to the patient or explain why a deviation from the standard was appropriate, and criticize errors of fact or medical reasoning in the peer review. Of course, this is a general statement, and it is best to discuss with your attorney how to write a persuasive rebuttal in a specific case.
Notwithstanding the many vulnerabilities often found in peer reviews, providers should understand that they may pose a moderate risk to getting a claim paid. Peer reviews are inexpensive and can be mass produced. Simply responding to them at all can seem like a significant burden when a practice receives them in bulk. Fortunately, many peer reviews can still be successfully challenged through arbitration or litigation.